Qualities of Good
The major qualities required for good advertisement are
Ability to Communicate
Since there is a large number of competitors in the market for any
product, attractive advertisement becomes popular among the consumers.
Good Strategy
A good advertisement will always be strategically strong. It is
planned in such a way to reach the targeted audience. A success of an
advertisement is to check how well the goal has been achieved.
Great Creativity
Imparting one’s creativity in advertising is an integral part. An
entire advertisement works on the imagination of a team. It is the central idea
that sticks to the people’s memory. Creative thinkers rule the field of
advertisement and it maintains constant demand.
Clear Execution
Having a planing to follow is an essential in advertisement. The
craftsmanship of a good advertisement is seen by the way how it is executed. It
shows the details, techniques and fine tuned values.
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