Advertisement has become an important segment in marketing. It is
the most powerful and multi-dimensional tool to take products from the
manufacturer to the consumers. Even the smallest object requires advertisement
to escalate its sales and promotion.
The term advertisement is derived from a Latin word “Advertere”,
which means “to turn the minds of people towards”. Advertisement is a marketing
communication which involves openly sponsored, non-personal messages in order
to sell or promote a product, idea or service in audio or visual form. It is
the easiest and one of the most effective and efficient technique of
communication which persuades the public to familiarise with a product.
Advertisements are opted by business sectors who wish to promote their product
in the market among the consumers within a very short duration. It is
communicated through various media which includes traditional as well as
modern. Advertisement is the apt tool to disseminate the importance and
features of any product. It carries real time information with extraordinary
emotional appeal.
“Advertising is the non-personal communication from an
identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience”.
“Advertising is a paid form of non personal presentation of the
facts about goods, services or ideas to a group. These facts are illustrated
with the use of copy and art work that includes photographs and drawings”,
defined by American Marketing Association.
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