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Chapter: Paediatrics: Emergency and high dependency care

Paediatrics: management of Cyanosis

Bedside diagnosis of methaemoglobinaemia: place a drop of blood on a piece of filter paper.

Cyanosis: management




Blood tests

·  FBC with differential.

·  Blood cultures.

·  Glucose.

·  Bedside diagnosis of methaemoglobinaemia: place a drop of blood on a piece of filter paper. After 30s exposure to air, normal blood turns red, while blood taken from a patient with methaemoglobinaemia remains chocolate brown.




·  Lumbar puncture as indicated.


·  Urinary culture.


Arterial blood gas


In the older child a single measurement is needed. In the neonate, assess the change in PaO2 in response to FiO2 100% for 5–10min.


Chest X-ray


In the neonate the lung fields should be assessed for signs of increased vascularity, pulmonary congestion, or oligaemia. Characteristic radiographic findings are:

·  Egg on a string: transposition of the great arteries.


·  Boot-shaped heart: tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonary atresia, ventriculoseptal defect.


·  Snowman sign: supracardiac total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage.


·  Wall-to-wall heart: Ebstein’s anomaly.




Characteristic findings include:

·  Superior left axis: tricuspid atresia; endocardial cushion defect; primum atrial septal defect.


·  Left axis deviation: pulmonary atresia ± atrial atresia.


·  Marked right atrial hypertrophy: Ebstein’s anomaly.




Assessment for specific cardiac lesions.




Standard cardiorespiratory monitoring.



Therapies for specific cardiac, respiratory, and poisoning conditions are discussed elsewhere


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