Cardiovascular system difficulty: therapy- 2
Use fluid restriction and
inotropic support after cardiological advice. Digoxin may be used for primary
cardiac problem (total digitalizing dose, TDD). By age TDDs are as follows.
Neonate: 30micrograms/kg PO or
20micrograms/kg IV.
<2yrs: 40–50micrograms/kg PO or
30–40micrograms/kg IV.
2–10yrs: 25–35micrograms/kg PO or
20–30micrograms/kg IV.
10yrs: 0.75–1.25mg PO or 0.5–1mg IV.
Split the TDD at the following
Initial: give 50% of TDD.
8hr: give 25% of TDD.
16hr: give 25% of TDD.
For severe, symptomatic
hypertension, the BP should be lowered by 20–25%. Do not aim for normal levels.
Patients should be monitored in a high-dependency area. Discuss with
nephrologist. Hypertensive encephalopathy is an emergency and too rapid
lowering of BP may lead to stroke. Short-acting antihypertensives are the
treatment of choice. Consider:
Diazoxide: 1–3mg/kg IV by rapid infusion;
repeat after 5–15min.
Hydralazine: 100–500micrograms/kg IV over
several minutes (max dose 20mg). May
repeat dose in 20–30min.
Sodium nitroprusside.
In neonates, consider alprostadil
(prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) infusion if:
<4–5.3kPa (30–40mm/kg).
saturation <70% in FiO2 100%.
pulses are diminished or absent with poor perfusion.
acidosis persisting after volume and inotropes.
0.01–0.20micrograms/kg/min (start
at 0.05micrograms/kg/min, increase in
0.05micrograms/kg/min increments
if response is not adequate). Be aware that apnoea may develop.
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