Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
(LCH) is a disorder of unknown cause with a wide range of presentations. It is
not a malignant condition, but may behave like one in its severest forms.
Usually managed by paediatric on-cologists.
Langerhans cells are normally
found in skin, lymph nodes, and airways. LCH results from monoclonal
proliferation and accumulation of histio-cytes, with the characteristics of
Langerhans cells, in skin, bone, pituitary, CNS, lungs, intestines, spleen, or
bone marrow. It may manifest as single-or multisystem disease. Single-system
disease is usually confined to bone, occasionally to skin, and seen more in
older children. The natural history varies from spontaneous resolution to
repeated recurrence, or death.
LCH was previously known as
‘histiocytosis X’, which was sub-divided into eosinophilic granuloma,
Letterer–Siwe disease, and Hand– Schüller–Christian disease
Approximately 1 in 200,000
children affected each year.
Presentation Depends on site of
disease, but may include:
or lump associated with isolated bony disease (most common).
rash (widespread macular–papular or mimicking seborrhoeic dermatitis of the
from the ear.
disturbance (fever, malaise, anorexia, and failure to thrive).
Biopsy with confirmation of Birbeck
granules (or positivite CD1a or S100 immunohistochemistry). Diagnosis can be
made without biopsy in the presence of characteristic pituitary/hypothalamic
abnormality, where biopsy considered too hazardous, or of lytic bone lesions
with clinical features suggesting spontaneous resolution.
Suspected LCH should be fully
staged to identify possible multisystem disease. Investigations should include
skeletal survey, abdominal ultra-sound, early morning urine for osmolality, FBC
and film, coagulation stud-ies, and liver enzymes.
system LCH, usually involving bone or skin, frequently resolves spontaneously
or following biopsy/surgical curettage, but may require topical or
intralesional steroids in persistent or recurrent cases.
LCH, seen mainly in young patients (aged <2yrs), requires treatment with
steroids and chemotherapy (vinblastine, etoposide, or methotrexate).
>80% survive long-term without
significant sequelae. Survivors `of multisystem or CNS disease may
have lasting disabilities.
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