Acute care
All paediatric oncology treatment
centres should have clear local guide-lines for supportive management, which
should be referred to for details. This section should not be regarded as a
substitute for such guidelines. Fever should be treated as an emergency. Immunocompromised
children may succumb to overwhelming sepsis within hours. Greatest risk is
as-sociated with the nadir white cell count (typically at around 10 days) for
most regimens. In the absence of neutropenia, central venous line infec-tion
should be considered, particularly if there are symptoms (e.g. rigors)
associated with line flushing.
Fever (temperature >38°C) with neutrophil count <1.0 × 109/L, leading to
increased risk of bacterial infections. Complicates chemotherapy, spinal
radiotherapy, bone marrow disease.
or GI bacterial flora.
risk from Gram –ve organisms, including Pseudomonas.
organisms may be associated with central venous catheters.
Include inspection of the skin, mouth,
IV line sites, surgical sites, and
the perianal area.
and differential count, CRP.
of blood, urine, stool, swabs of throat, nose, suspicious skin lesions, or
central line exit sites.
if indicated by symptoms or signs.
spectrum antibiotics should be commenced without
delay as infection with Gram –ve bacilli may be fatal within hours.
choice will vary by institution and local resistance patterns, but must include
adequate cover for Pseudomonas and
Gram-+ve organisms. Include anaerobic cover in the presence of abdominal pain,
diarrhoea, or mucositis. Appropriate agents may include:
ciprofloxacin, meropenem, gentamicin, amikacin, piptazobactam (Gram –ve cover).
teicoplanin (Gram +ve organisms, including coagulase-negative staphylococci).
meropenem (anaerobic cover).
Antibiotic choice should be
reviewed according to results of cultures.
if in contact and non-immune, give
prophylactic aciclovir or zoster immune
globulin. Active chickenpox or shingles should be treated aggressively with IV
may cause painful oral ulceration;
treat early.
·CMV, RSV, and adenovirus may all
cause pneumonitis, associated with high morbidity and mortality, especially in
BMT patients.
·Consider in prolonged febrile
neutropenia and treat promptly. Mortality remains high, but reduced with newer
therapeutic agents.
·Clinical spectrum includes
pulmonary aspergillosis, hepatic candidiasis, abscess formation.
·Risk is highest during intensive
chemotherapy, such as re-induction for relapsed leukaemia and following BMT.
·Treatment includes fluconazole
(limited cover), itraconazole, amphotericin B (liposomal formulation for
reduced toxicity), voriconazole, and caspofungin. Prophylaxis is used in high
risk treatment regimens.
pneumonitis: associated
with prolonged immunosuppression; presents
with tachypnoea, dry cough, low oxygen saturation readings.
(patients on chemotherapy lasting over 6mths): co-trimoxazole, monthly
pentamidine nebulizers, or dapsone.
high dose co-trimoxazole, steroids
in severe cases.
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