Neuronal Stimulus for Performance
of the Male Sexual Act
The most important source of sensory nerve signals for initiating
the male sexual act is the glans penis.
The glans contains an especially sensitive sensory end-organ system that
transmits into the central nervous system that special modality of sensation
called sexualsensation. The slippery
massaging action of intercourseon the glans stimulates the sensory end-organs,
and the sexual signals in turn pass through the pudendal nerve, then through
the sacral plexus into the sacral portion of the spinal cord, and finally up
the cord to undefined areas of the brain.
Impulses may also enter the spinal cord from areas adjacent to the
penis to aid in stimulating the sexual act. For instance, stimulation of the
anal epithe-lium, the scrotum, and perineal structures in general can send
signals into the cord that add to the sexual sensation. Sexual sensations can
even originate in internal structures, such as in areas of the urethra,
bladder, prostate, seminal vesicles, testes, and vas deferens. Indeed, one of
the causes of “sexual drive” is filling of the sexual organs with secretions.
Mild infection and inflammation of these sexual organs sometimes cause almost
continual sexual desire, and some “aphrodisiac” drugs, such as cantharidin,
increase sexual desire by irritating the bladder and urethral mucosa, inducing
inflammation and vascular congestion.
Element of Male Sexual Stimulation. Appropriatepsychic stimuli can greatly enhance
the ability of a person to perform the sexual act. Simply thinking sexual
thoughts or even dreaming that the act of inter-course is being performed can
initiate the male act, culminating in ejaculation. Indeed, nocturnal emissions during dreams occur in many males during some
stages of sexual life, especially during the teens.
Integration of the Male Sexual Act in the Spinal Cord.
Although psychic factors usually play an important part in the male
sexual act and can initiate or inhibit it, brain function is probably not
necessary for its per-formance because appropriate genital stimulation can
cause ejaculation in some animals and occasionally in humans after their spinal
cords have been cut above the lumbar region. The male sexual act results from
inherent reflex mechanisms integrated in the sacral and lumbar spinal cord, and
these mechanisms can be initiated by either psychic stimulation from the brain
or actual sexual stimulation from the sex organs, but usually it is a
combination of both.
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