Industrial Microbiology
studying this chapter the students will be able to,
• Know
the concepts involved in industrial microbiology and the production of
industrially important products by microorganisms.
• Understand
the primary and secondary screening process.
• Gain
knowledge in the field of strain improvement of microorganisms.
• Describe
the structure components and function of a fermentor.
• Known
the principles behind fermentation medium, fermentation process, upstream
processing and downstream processing.
• Know
the values of microorganism used in the production of penicillin citric acid,
wine and single cell protein.
• Analyze the basics behind immobilization of
1. Industrially Important Microorganisms and their
2. Screening of Industrially Important Microorganism
3. Strain Improvement
4. Preservation of Industrially Important Microorganisms
5. Fermentors
6. Industrial Production of Penicillin
7. Industrial Production of Wine
8. Industrial Production of Single Cell Protein
9. Industrial Production of Citric Acid
10. Immobilization
microbiology is a branch of science that deals with the study and uses of
various that are responsible for the production of many products which has industrial
and economic applications. Man has been using many microorganisms for the
production of foods, (bread, cheese, yogurt, pickles)–beverages (beer, wine)
for many centuries. The birth of industrial microbiology largely began with the
studies of Pasteur on fermentation. The term Fermentation originates from a
Latin verb “Fervere” which literally means to boil. In alcohol production, CO2
(gas bubbles) Figure 6.1 are formed during boiling of liquid.
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