1. Name some of the Operation on Data Structures
2. Define a) FileInfo b) DirectoryInfo
Ø FileInfo
and DirectoryInfo are the classes that support file management operations
Ø Such as
copying ,
deleting a file / Directory.
Ø FileSystemInfo
is an abstract class from which FileInfo and DirectoryInfo classes have been
Ø The
methods provided in the classes FileInfo and DirectoryInfo are instance
3. Define thread.
A thread
is a path of execution within a program that can be executed separately. In
.NET framework threads run in application domains. A thread is also known as
lightweight process.
4. What are the characteristics or advantages of
Ø Threads
have execution states and may synchronize with another.
Ø Threads
share the same address space.
Ø Context
switching between threads is normally inexpensive.
Ø Communication
between threads is also inexpensive.
5. What is Multitaking ?
Modern OS
hold more than one activity(program) in memory and the processor can switch
among all to execute them. Simultaneous execution of many programs on the computer
is known as multitasking.
6. What is multithreading?
Ø C# allows
the concept of Multithreading , which enables execution of two or more parts of
a program concurrently. Each part is known as a thread.
Ø The
execution of C# program starts with a single thread known as main thread and
that is automatically run by the CLR and the OS. From the main thread, we can
create other threads for performing desired tasks.
Ø The
process of execution of multiple threads is known as multithreading.
7. What are the characteristics and advantages of
Ø Multithreading
allows us to develop efficient programs that could optimize the use of computer
resources such as CPU, memory and I/O devices.
Ø Threading
namespace contains classes and interfaces that are required for developing and
running multithreaded programs.
8. Differentiate a process and a thread.
Ø A process
is a program in execution.
Ø The
creations of processes are controlled by the operating system.
Ø A thread
is a unit of execution which is a part of a program. Simultaneously many
threads can be created and they can be started. It is called multi threading.
Ø A thread
is under the control of the programmer.
9. What is synchronization? How it is enforced in C#?
Ø We can
easily create multiple thread of execution. It is often necessary for multiple
threads to share a resource without control.
Ø The
behaviour of multi threaded programs sharing a resource yields
non-deterministic results.
Ø To
provide control over multiple threads under execution, C# allocates methods to
co-ordinate activities between threads.
Ø A process
which is used to coordinate the activities of two or more threads is called
Ø The need
for Syncronization arises when two or more threads try to access shared
resource that can be used only one thread at a time.
Ø Synchronization
enables performance benefits of multithreading as well as maintaining the
integrity of the object state and data.
Ø C# uses lock keyword to provide data
What is
critical section?
Ø A method
containing code involving shared access/update of data by many threads, is
known as a critical section.
critical section can be defined in C# using :
Monitor class
Mutex class
Lock statement
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