Important Issues in Language
From a historical standpoint, one of the earliest
questions about language has pertained to the concept of cerebral dominance and
differential lateralization. A second area of investigation that has gained
considerable interest because of cross-disciplinary research efforts is
concerned with structural and functional localization of language. Researchers
are concerned with whether specific regions of the brain are specialized for
specific linguistic functions, including speaking, comprehending, reading and
writ-ing. Furthermore, with the growing influence of cognitive neuro-science,
researchers are investigating whether specific language operations are
localized in different levels of processing (e.g., phonological,
orthographical, lexical, syntactic) and studying specific neural substrates
associated with these processing net-works. They are also interested in
studying the patterns of con-nectivity between these neural networks. A third
area that con-tinues to generate great interest relates to neurodevelopmental
aspects of language. Some of the questions in this area deal with the
acquisition and development of language, as well as with the organization of
the brain for language abilities in children.
The centrality of these issues to an understanding
of language is reflected in the emergence of different models for language,
which are described in greater detail in later sections. Briefly, these models
can be broadly classified into traditional and current models when placed in a
historical context. The tradi-tional models were essentially localizationist
(Wernicke, Broca, early contributions of Geschwind); the current models are
more “hybrid” (Mesulam, 1990) in that they reflect a conceptualization of language
processing as being both localized and distributed
Because a great deal of what is understood about
language and continues to intrigue investigators has emerged from stud-ies of
deficits and their neuroanatomical correlates in the various language disorders,
especially aphasia, a description of these is important and is provided next.
For more detailed reviews of lan-guage disorders, the reader is referred to
other sources (Benson and Geschwind, 1985; Heilman and Valenstein, 1993).
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