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Homonys & Homophones Practice

In linguistics, a homonym is one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. This usually happens as a result of the two words having different origins. The state of being a homonym is called homonymy.

Homophones and Homonyms


In linguistics, a homonym is one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings. This usually happens as a result of the two words having different origins. The state of being a homonym is called homonymy.


A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning. The words may be spelled the same, such as rose (flower) and rose (past tense of "rise"), or differently, such as carat, caret, and carrot, or to, two and too.


All homonyms are homophones because they sound the same. However, not all homophones are homonyms. Homophones with different spellings are not homonyms.






are the words that sound like one another, particularly when that are pronounced the same way but spelt differently.


The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines a homonym as: each of the two or more words having the same spelling and/or pronunciation or different spelling and/or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.


Example: Pole and Pole


The first Pole refers to a citizen of Poland who could either be referred to as Polish or a Pole. The second Pole refers to a bamboo pole or any other wooden pole.


The Complete List of Homonyms





The temporary release of an accused person awaiting trial, sometimes on the condition that a sum of money is deposited in the court to guarantee their appearance in the court at a future date


        To scoop water out of a ship or a boat


        To make an emergency descent by parachute from an aircraft


        To rescue someone from a difficulty


Bale: A bundle of hay or dry grass







Food used to entice fish or other animals as prey


To deliberately annoy, taunt or torment somebody


Bate: (Of a hawk) beat wings in agitation and flutter off a perch (term used in falconry)



Bald: A hair less person


Bawled: To have cried loudly



Band :


         A small group of musicians and vocalists


        A small group of people who have common interests and purposes Banned: Something that is disallowed or illegal


Bard: A poet, traditionally one reciting epics (the Bard is a reference to William Shakespeare)




        enclosed by poles or bars


        Prohibited to do something and from going from somewhere





Bare: Naked or without any covering




        A large, heavy mammal of the family Ursidae, of which there are several species, the largest being the Kodiak Bear of the Arctic regions


        (Stock Exchange) A person who sells shares hoping to buy them back later at lower price




        Manage to tolerate (pain or problem etc…)


        Give birth to a child



Bark: The tough outer covering of a tree


Bark: The sharp explosive cry of a dog, fox or a seal


Bark: To utter (a command or order) abruptly and aggressively


Braque: A sailing ship, typically with three masts





        A member of the lowest order of British nobility, minor royalty


        A powerful person in business or industry( for instance a press baron or a liquor baron) Barren:


        (of land) Too poor or infertile to produce much or any vegetarian


        (of tree or a plant) Not producing any fruit or seed


        ( of a female animal or woman) Unable to bear offspring or a child


        Bleak and lifeless



Baul: Singing minstrels of Bengal and Bangladesh




        To shout noisily or angrily


        To weep noisily





        A pebbly or sandy shore at the edge of the sea or a lake


        To bring into the beach from water


Beech: A large tree with smooth grey bark, glossy leaves and hard, pale, fine-grained wood



Berry: A small juicy fruit without a stone







        Put or hide understood

        {lace a dead body in the earth or in a tomb


        Cause to disappear or to become unnoticeable


        involve oneself deeply in something





        A ship’s allotted place at a wharf or dock


        Moor or moored in a berth


        Provide a berth for a passenger on a train Birth:


        The emergence of a body or the young creature from the body of its mother


        The start of life as a physically separate being


        The beginning of something, the origin, descent, ancestry



Better: Superior, in a more advanced stage


Bettor: A person who plays or places a bet





        Use the teeth to cut something into pieces


        (Of a fish) Take the bait at the end of the fishing net into mouth


        (Of a policy or situation)Take effect with unpleasant consequences


Byte: (Computing) a group of binary digits or bits (usually eight) operated on a unit



Bloc: An alliance or a group (of political parties or countries)




        A large solid piece of hard material with flat surface on each side


        A large single building subdivided into separate flats or offices


        An obstacle to the smooth or normal progress or functioning of something



Boar: A wild pig found in the jungle


Boer: A south African of Dutch descent


Boor: A rough and bad-mannered person, tasteless buffoon






        To make a hole in something


        The hollow part inside a gun barrel or other tube


        A dull and uninteresting person or activity


        Make somebody feel weary and uninterested by virtue of being dull and tedious





        A long, thin, flat piece of wood used for floors or other building purposes


        The decision-making body of an organization


        The provision of regular meals in return for payment or services


        To get into a train or into a ship or into an aircraft


Bored: Weary of or uninterested in something or somebody



Bolder: More courageous or braver than somebody


Boulder: A large rock



Bole: A tree trunk


Bowl: A dish



Boos: Disparaging sounds or calls from fans


Booze: Alcohol or liquor



Borough: A town




        A hole or tunnel dug by a small animal as a dwelling


        To dig into or through something solid


Bough: A main branch of a tree





        A knot tied with two loops and two loose ends


        A weapon for shooting arrows that is made of a curved piece of wood joined at both ends by a taut string




1. Lower the head or bend the upper part of the body as a sign of respect, greeting or shame





        Cause to bend with age or under a heavy weight


        Give in to pressure or demands


        Withdraw or retire from something(to bow out)



Buoy: A navigational aid


Boy: a male child





        An act of breaking a law or agreement or code of conduct


        A gap in a wall or barrier, especially one made by an attacking army Breech:


        The part of a cannon behind the bore


        The back part of a rifle or gun barrel





      Food made of flour, water and yeast, mixed together and baked


        (Informal) Money


Bred: manner of upbringing – the past tense of breed



Broach: To raise (a sensitive) a subject for discussion


Brooch: An ornamental fastened to clothing with a hinged pin and catch


This is The Complete List of Homonyms beginning with B.






List of Homophones with examples


All [everything]                           All the people you invited have attended.


Awl [a small point tool]              The wood was carved with an awl.


Ail [troubles]                              Mental agony ails her.


ale [Kind of beer]                        They were with ale for dinner.


Altar [Platform for worship]       Sacrifices were offered on the altar.


Alter [to change]                          She had to alter her clothes after losing weight.


Aloud [noisely]                           Do not talk aloud.


Allowed [permitted]                    They were allowed to go out.


Ascent [The action of going up] Edmond Hillary made his ascent on Mount Everest first.


Assent [approval]                       The President gave his assent to the financial bill.


Advice [counsel]                         He gave an advice to his son .


Advise [To give counsel]            Teacher advised all the students.


Adapt [To fit]                              Sachin found difficult to adapt in England.





Be [To exist] You should be quiet.


Bee [Insect] Bees gives honey.


Blwe [did blow] Police man blew the whistle to stop the car.


Blue [A colour] I wear the blue trouser.


Sell [exchange things for money] They sell the fruits at a high price.


Cymbal [a round brass plate used in a musical instrument] Rosy plays the cymbal in our school band:




Dye [colour] He applied dye to his hair.





Fair [good]  She is a fair lady.


Fare [charge] The ticket fare has been hiked.


Flew [past tense for fly] Birds flew to warmer places.


Flue [pipe in a chimney] Smoke is let out through flue.


Grate [make harsh ground] The opposition parties grate the ruling party.





Knew [understood] She knew French.


Week [unit of time]        I will come in next week.


Weak [becoming pale] She is so weak that she cannot walk quickly.


Wring [to twist]                 Wring the clothes after wash.


Ring [circle to produce a sound] He rings the bell.

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