Personality Disorder
personality disorder (HPD) is a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and
attention-seeking (American Psychi-atric Association, 2000). Histrionic persons
tend to be emotion-ally manipulative and intolerant of delayed gratification.
HPD is indicated by the presence of five or more of the eight diagnostic
criteria presented in DSM-IV criteria for HPD.
There is little research on the etiology of HPD. There is a sug-gestion that HPD may share a genetic disposition toward im-pulsivity or sensation-seeking with the antisocial personality. It has also been suggested that HPD is (in part) a severe, mal-adaptive variant of the personality dimensions of extraversion and neuroticism. Extraversion includes the facets of excitement seeking, gregariousness and positive emotionality, and neuroti-cism includes the facets of angry hostility, self-consciousness and vulnerability that are all characteristic of persons with HPD and there is considerable empirical support for the heritability of these personality dimensions.
and social–cultural factors, however, may also play a significant role in the
development of HPD. There is some speculation that the fathers of females with
HPD combine early sexual seductiveness with subsequent authoritarian
puritani-cal attitudes, while the mother tends to be domineering, control-ling
and intrusive. Such a history may indeed occur in some cases of HPD but there
is unlikely to be a specific, common pattern to all cases. The tendency of a
family to emphasize, value, or reinforce attention-seeking in a person with a genetic
disposition toward emotionality may represent a more general pathway toward
instability is an important feature of HPD, which may be associated with a
hyperresponsiveness of the noradrener-gic system. This instability in the catecholamine
functioning may contribute to a pronounced emotional reactivity to rejection
and loss. However, the attention-seeking of HPD can be as important to the
disorder as the emotionality. The purpose of the exagger-ated emotionality is
often to evoke the attention and maintain the interest of others. Persons with
HPD are intensely insecure regarding the extent to which others appreciate,
desire, or want their company. They need to be the center of attention to
reassure themselves that they are valued, desired, attractive, or wanted.
involves to some extent maladaptive variants of stereo-typically feminine
traits. The DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for HPD are sufficiently severe that
a normal woman would not meet these criteria, but studies have indicated that
clinicians will at times diagnose HPD in females who in fact have antisocial
traits. Both of these disorders can involve impulsivity, sensation-seeking, low
frustration tolerance and manipulativeness, and the presence of a female gender
may at times contribute to a false presumption of HPD. It is therefore
important to adhere closely to the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria when
confronted with his-trionic and antisocial symptoms in female patients.
with HPD will often have borderline, dependent, or narcissistic personality
traits. Prototypic cases of HPD can be distinguished from other personality
disorders. For example, the prototypic narcissistic person ultimately desires
admiration whereas the histrionic person desires whatever attention, inter-est,
or concern can be obtained. As a result, the histrionic person will at times
seek attention through melodramatic helplessness and emotional outbursts that
could be experienced as denigrat-ing and humiliating to the narcissistic
person. However, most cases will not be prototypic and the most accurate
description of a patient’s constellation of maladaptive personality traits will
be the provision of multiple diagnoses.
1 to 3% of the general population may be diag-nosed with HPD. A controversial
issue is its differential sex prev-alence. It is stated in DSM-IV-TR that the
sex ratio for HPD is “not significantly different than the sex ratio of females
within the respective clinical setting”. However, this should not be
interpreted as indicat-ing that the prevalence is the same for males and
females. It has typically been found that at least two-thirds of persons with
HPD are female, although there have been a few exceptions. Whether or not the
rate will be significantly higher than the rate of women within a particular
clinical setting depends upon many factors that are independent of the
differential sex prevalence for HPD.
Little is
known about the premorbid behavior pattern of persons with HPD. During
adolescence they are likely to be flamboy-ant, flirtatious and
attention-seeking. As adults, persons with HPD readily form new relationships
but have difficulty sus-taining them. They may fall in love quite quickly, but
just as rapidly become attracted to another person. They are unlikely to be
reliable or responsible. Relationships with persons of the same sexual
orientation are often be strained due to their com-petitive sexual
flirtatiousness. Employment history is likely to be erratic, and may be
complicated by the tendency to become romantically or sexually involved with
colleagues, by their af-fective instability and by their suggestibility.
Persons with HPD may become devoted converts to faddish belief systems. They
have a tendency to make impulsive decisions that will have a dramatic (or
melodramatic) effect on their lives. The severity of the symptomatology may
diminish somewhat as the person ages.
with HPD readily develop rapport but it is often super-ficial and unreliable.
Therapists may also fail to appreciate the extent of influence they can have on
the highly suggestible HPD patient. Persons with HPD can readily become
converts to what-ever the therapist may suggest or encourage. The
transformation to the theoretical model or belief system of the psychiatrist is
unlikely to be sustained.
A key
task in treating the patient with HPD is countering their global and diffuse
cognitive style by insisting on attend-ing to structure and detail within
sessions and to the practical, immediate problems encountered in daily life. It
is also important to explore within treatment the historical source for their
needs for attention and involvement. Persons with HPD are prone to superficial
and transient insights but they will benefit from a carefully reasoned and
documented exploration of their current and past relationships.
clinicians recommend the use of group therapy for persons with HPD. It is quite
easy for them to become involved within a group, which may then be very useful
in helping them recognize and explore their attention-seeking, suggestibility
and manipulation, as well as develop alternative ways to develop more
meaningful and sustained relationships. However, it is also important to
monitor closely their involvements within the group, as they are prone to
dominate and control sessions and they may escalate their attention-seeking to
the point of suicidal gestures. The intense affectivity of persons with HPD may
also be responsive to antidepressant treatment, particularly those patients
with substantial mood reactivity, hypersomnia and rejec-tion sensitivity.
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