Personality Disorder
PD (ASPD) is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights
of others (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Persons with ASPD will also
be irresponsible and exploitative in their sexual relationships, and
irresponsible as employees and parents. They may display a lack of empathy, an
inflated or arrogant self-appraisal, a callous, cynical and contemp-tuous
response to the suffering of others, and a glib, superficial charm. This
disorder has also been referred to as psychopathy, sociopathy, or dissocial
personality disorder. The presence of ASPD is indicated by the occurrence of a
conduct disorder prior to age 15 years and by three of the seven adult
diagnostic criteria presented in DSM-IV Criteria for ASPD.
There is
considerable support from twin, family and adoption studies for a genetic contribution
to the etiology of the criminal, delinquent tendencies of persons with ASPD.
The genetic dispo-sition may be somewhat stronger in ASPD females due perhaps
to a greater social pressure on females against aggressive, exploit-ative and
criminal behavior. What is inherited by persons with ASPD, however, is unclear;
it could be impulsivity, antagonistic callousness, or abnormally low
A predominant theory for the etiology of ASPD is that it results from abnormally low levels of behavioral inhibition and high levels of behavioral activation systems that are important for normal, adaptive functioning. The behavioral inhibition sys-tem (BIS) is responsible for inhibiting behavior in response to punishment and acts in opposition to the behavioral activation system (BAS) that activates behavior in response to reward. The BIS has input into the reticular activating system providing ex-periences of anxiety or arousal. The clinical symptoms of ASPD might be manifestations of a weak or deficient BIS in combina-tion with a normal or strong BAS that reduce normal sensitiv-ity and anxiety in response to threatening and stressful situa-tions. Activities that the average person would find stimulating, antisocial persons would find dull, impelling them to engage in risky, reckless, prohibited and impulsive activities. Low arousal would also help minimize feelings of anxiety, guilt, or remorse and help resist aversive conditioning. Studies have indicated an electrodermal response hyporeactivity in psychopathic persons. This hyporeactivity may be particularly associated with a deficit in anticipatory anxiety and worrying, while not impairing the alarm reactions of flight versus fight. Abnormally low levels of behavioral inhibition may be mediated by the septohippocam-pal system (and the neurotransmitter serotonin). Deficiencies in response modulation (difficulties suspending a dominant set in response to negative feedback) are apparent in animals with sep-tohippocampal dysfunction.
There are
also substantial data to support the contribu-tion of family, peer, and other
environmental factors. No single environmental factor appears to be specific to
its development. Modeling by parental figures and peers, excessively harsh,
lenient, or erratic discipline, and a tough, harsh environment in which
feelings of empathy and warmth are discouraged (if not punished) and
tough-mindedness, aggressiveness and exploita-tion are encouraged (if not
rewarded) have all been associated with the development of ASPD. For example,
ASPD in some cases could be the result of an interaction of early experiences
of physical or sexual abuse, exposure to aggressive parental models and erratic
discipline that develop a view of the world as a hostile environment, which is
further affirmed over time through selec-tive attention on cues for antagonism,
encouragement and model-ing of aggression by peers, and the immediate benefits
that result from aggressive, exploitative behavior. Persons with ASPD may have
had their feelings of anxiety, guilt and remorse extinguished through
progressive and cumulative experiences of harsh aggres-sion, violence, abuse
and exploitation.
development of adequate guilt, conscience and shame may also require a degree
of distress-proneness (anxiousness or neuroticism) and attentional
self-regulation (constraint). Normal levels of neuroticism will promote the
internalization of a con-science (the introjection of the family’s moral
values) by associat-ing distress and anxiety with wrongdoing, and the temperament
of self-regulation will help modulate impulses into a socially acceptable
manner. Studies have indicated that high levels of arousal at age 15 years
serve as a protective factor against crimi-nal activities at age 30 years in
persons at high risk for becoming criminals. Additional factors may also help
to avoid the develop-ment of ASPD, such as high intelligence which may
contribute to the availability of alternative life paths, while other factors
may exacerbate or escalate its development, such as drug or alcohol dependence.
In sum, ASPD appears to be the result of a constel-lation of factors, including
genetic predisposition, experiences within the family and sociological factors,
coupled with the ab-sence of preventive factors.
All of
the DSM-IV-TR assessment instruments described ear-lier include the assessment
of ASPD. However, an instrument that is focused on the assessment of ASPD is
the Psychopa-thy Checklist – Revised (PCL-R, Hare, 1991). The PCL-R is commonly
used within forensic and prison settings and is par-ticularly well suited for
the assessment of this disorder within settings that are heavily populated by
persons with a criminal history. The PCL-R includes the assessment of
psychopathic traits that are relatively more specific to ASPD within prison
settings, such as lack of empathy, glib charm and arrogance. However, as
suggested by its title, it is perhaps better described as a checklist than as a
semistructured interview. Many of its items are scored primarily (if not
solely) on the basis of a per-son’s legal, criminal record rather than on the
basis of inter-view questions. The availability of a detailed criminal history
within prison settings has contributed to the PCL-R’s excellent interrater
reliability and predictive validity, but an application of the PCL-R within
most other clinical settings will need to rely more heavily on PCL-R interview
questions, the adminis-tration and scoring of which will be unclear for some
PCL-R items.
ASPD will
at times be difficult to differentiate from a sub-stance dependence disorder in
young adults because many per-sons with ASPD develop a substance-related
disorder and many persons with a substance dependence engage in antisocial
acts. The requirement that the ASPD features be evident prior to the age of 15
years will usually assure the onset of ASPD prior to the onset of a
substance-related disorder. If both are evident prior to the age of 15 years,
then it is likely that both disorders are in fact present and both diagnoses
should then be made. ASPD and substance dependence will often interact,
exacerbating and esca-lating each other’s development.
acts will also be evident in the histrionic and borderline personality
disorders, as persons with these disorders will display impulsivity,
sensation-seeking, self-centeredness, manipulativeness and a low frustration
tolerance. Females with antisocial PD are often misdiagnosed with histrionic
personality disorder. Prototypic cases of ASPD might be distinguished from
other personality disorders by the presence of the childhood his-tory of
conduct disorder and the cold, calculated exploitation, abuse and aggression.
Persons with narcissistic personality dis-order are also characterized by a
lack of empathy and may often exploit and use others. In fact, many of the
traits of narcissistic per-sonality disorder are evident in psychopathy,
including a lack of empathy, glib and superficial charm and arrogant
The National
Institute of Mental Health Epidemiologic Catchment Area (ECA) study indicated
that approximately 3% of males and 1% of females have ASPD (Robins et al., 1991). This rate has been
replicated in subsequent studies, but it has also been suggested that the ECA
finding may have underestimated the prevalence in males due to the failure to
consider the full range of ASPD fea-tures. Other estimates have been as high as
6% in males (Kessler et al., 1994;
Robins et al., 1991). The rate of
ASPD within prison and forensic
settings has been estimated at 50% but the ASPD criteria may exaggerate the
rate within such settings due to the emphasis given to overt acts of
criminality, delinquency and irre-sponsibility that are common to the persons
within these settings. More specific criteria for psychopathy provide a more
conserva-tive estimate of 20 to 30% of male prisoners with ASPD.
much more common in males than in females. A sociobiological explanation for
the differential sex prevalence is the presence of a genetic advantage for
social irresponsibility, infidelity, superficial charm and deceit in males that
contributes to a higher likelihood of developing features of ASPD. It has also
been suggested that ASPD and histrionic personality disorder share a biogenetic
disposition (perhaps towards impulsivity or sensation-seeking) that is mediated
by gender-specific biogenetic and sociological factors toward respective gender
with ASPD are at a high risk for developing substance-related and impulse
dyscontrol disorders. They are also likely to display borderline, narcissistic
and paranoid per-sonality traits. Females with ASPD will also display
histrionic personality traits.
evident in childhood in the form of a conduct disorder. Evidence of a conduct
disorder prior to the age of 15 years is in fact required for a DSM-IV ASPD
diagnosis (American Psy-chiatric Association, 2000). The continuation into
adulthood is particularly likely to occur if multiple delinquent behaviors are
evident prior to the age of 10 years. As adults, persons with ASPD are unlikely
to maintain steady employment and they may even become impoverished, homeless,
or spend years within penal institutions. However, some persons with ASPD
characterized by high rather than low levels of conscientiousness may express
their psychopathic tendencies within a socially acceptable or at least
legitimate profession. They may in fact be quite successful as long as their
tendency to bend or violate the norms or rules of their profession and exploit,
deceive and manipulate others, con-tribute to a career advancement. Their
success, however, may at some point unravel when their psychopathic behaviors
become problematic or evident to others. The same pattern may also occur within
sexual and marital relationships. They may at first appear to be charming,
engaging and sincere, but most relationships will end due to a lack of empathy,
responsibility and fidelity.
does tend to be a gradual remission of antisocial behaviors, particularly overt
criminal acts, as the person ages. Persons with ASPD, however, are more likely
than the general population to have died prematurely by violent means (e.g.,
ac-cidents or homicides) and to engage in quite dangerous, high-risk behavior.
presence of ASPD is important to recognize in the treat-ment of any Axis I
disorder, as their tendency to be manipulative. dishonest, exploitative,
aggressive and irresponsible will often disrupt and sabotage treatment. It is
also very easy to be seduced by psychopathic charm. Persons with ASPD can be
seductive in their engaging friendliness, expressions of remorse, avowed
commitment to change, and apparent response to or even fascina-tion with the
success, skills, and talents of the therapist, none of which will be sincere or
extent to which ASPD is untreatable has at times been overstated and
exaggerated. Nevertheless, ASPD is the most difficult personality disorder to
treat. Persons with ASPD will often lack a motivation or commitment to change.
They might see only the advantages of their antisocial traits and not the costs
(e.g., risks of arrest and failure to sustain last-ing or meaningful
relationships). They are prone to manipulate, abuse, or exploit their fellow
patients and the staff. The imme-diate motivation for treatment is often
provided by an external source, such as a court order or the demands of an
employer or relative. Motivation may last only as long as an external pres-sure
The most
effective treatment is likely to be prevention through an identification and
intervention early in childhood. In adulthood, the most effective treatment may
at times be simply some form of sustained incarceration (e.g., imprisonment),
as many antisocial behaviors do tend to dissipate (or burnout) with time. The
tendency to rationalize irresponsibility, minimize the consequences of acts,
and manipulate others needs to be con-fronted on a daily and immediate basis.
Community residential or wilderness programs that provide a firm structure,
close supervi-sion and intense confrontation by peers have been recommended.
The involvement of family members in the treatment has been shown to be
helpful, but there are also data to suggest that inter-ventions with little
professional input are less successful and are times counterproductive.
There is
some research to suggest that the ability to form a therapeutic alliance is an
important indicator of treatment success. Factors to consider are the
demographic similarity of the therapist and patient, the quality of the
patient’s past relationships and the therapist’s positive regard for the
pa-tient. Many psychiatrists may also experience strong feelings of animosity
and distaste for antisocial persons who have a history of abusive and exploitative
acts. Rational, utilitarian approaches that help the person consider the
long-term con-sequences of behavior can be useful. This approach does not
attempt to develop a sense of conscience, guilt, or even regret for past
actions, but focuses instead on the material value and future advantages to be
gained by a more prosocial behavior pattern. There are data to suggest the use
of pharmacother-apy in the treatment of impulsive aggression but it is unclear
whether these findings would generalize to the full spectrum of ASPD
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