Rows and Columns
elements are hidden, they are neither visible nor printed, but can still be
selected for copying if you select the elements around them. For example, if
column B is hidden, it is copied when you select columns A and C. When you need
a hidden element again, you can reverse the process, and show the element.
To hide or show rows and columns, use the option in the Format menu or the right-click
and choose from pop-up menu.
To hide a row/column, first select the row/column, and then use menu options,
• Format → Row → Hide or Format → Column → Hide to hide row and column respectively.
The same can be achieved by choosing “Hide”
option from the pop-up menu when
you right-click the selected row/column.
To show the hidden row / column, choose Format→ Row → Show or Format →Column →
Show (or)
• Right-click and choose Show from pop-up menu.
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