Floods as Hazard
Floods are a natural behaviour of streams. Size of an unmodified stream
channel is directly related to the quantity of water that it usually carries
(more frequent, moderate flows). Most of the time river stage is below the
channel banks. Times of higher discharge overflow banks leading to floods. In
Bank-full Stage, water fills the channel to the level of the bank top and the
Bank-full Discharge is the water discharge when the water level is at the tops
of the stream banks. Recurrence interval for bank-full discharge can have
varying periods and higher discharge flood events occur much less frequently.
Recent events especially
hurricanes of the Caribbean region and notably IVAN, have caused greater
damages to property, lives and housing. Floods were also caused by the
incessant and torrential rains across the Americas.
Major Flood Disasters
1.Hwnag Ho River, China 1887: estimated 900,000 fatalities
Johnstown, Pennsylvania 1889 Dam failed: 2,200
Yangtze, China 1911: estimated 100,000 fatalities
Los Angeles, CA 1928 St. Francis Dam fails
Yangtze, China 1931: estimated 200,000 fatalities
Huang He, China 1938: estimated 900,000
Floods in India
India is prone to floods, just as any other
country in the world. What is worse however is that when rivers in one part are
in spate, the land in other parts could be parched. Floods and droughts always
occur at one and the same time, making life difficult for the people on both
the counts. Floods are a common, everyday occurrence and in floodplains more so
than anywhere. The India Meteorology Department uses a simple classification of
floods, and defines that rainfall in excess of 75 per cent causes very severe
floods, 50 per cent severe floods and 25 per cent moderate floods.
The State of Assam, for example, located in the
north-east region of India, has become a multi-disaster prone area. Due to
deforestation in the upper catchment areas of the rivers and the lack of proper
maintenance of dams and protective embankments, the region is becoming more and
more vulnerable to flooding. In the last two years, the monsoon floods have
become a nightmare to thousands of resource-poor people living at the side of
the mighty Brahmaputra river. Every year, the river is becoming wider and
wider, consuming vast areas of fertile land and human habitations.
With the
advent of the monsoon in June 2004, for example, there was heavy rain in the
entire region, including Bhutan. When the Kuriso Dam in Bhutan was in danger of
overflowing in early July the authorities released unexpectedly large amounts
of water, which caused an increase in the level of the Brahmaputra River. In
early July, it again started to rain heavily in this area and water levels in
the rivers started rising again. From July 10, 2004 onwards, the rivers started
overflowing their banks and more and more areas became inundated resulting in a
major flood. At several places, breaches developed in the embankments and
torrents of water swept through villages and washed away a large number of
houses. Twenty three districts have been severely affected by the floods.
Goalpara and Dhubri districts are among the worst affected. Bongaigaon, is also
badly affected.
Choosing Flood Hazard Categories
It is necessary to divide the floodplain into
flood hazard categories that reflect the flood behaviour across the floodplain.
CSIRO (2000) refers to the degree of flood hazard as being a function of:
the size (magnitude) of flooding;
depth and velocity (speed of flowing water);
rate of floodwater rise;
duration of flooding;
evacuation problems;
effective flood access;
size of population at risk;
land use;
flood awareness/readiness;
effective flood warning time.
There are
four degrees of flood hazard: low, medium, high and extreme. The categorisation
of the floodplain is largely qualitative using the above factors. For example,
medium hazard is where adults could wade safely, but children and elderly may
have difficulty, evacuation is possible by a sedan, there is ample time for
flood warning and evacuation and evacuation routes remain trafficable for at
least twice as long for the required evacuation time. A key factor in the case
of evacuation from an area is the water depth and the velocity along the
evacuation route; that is, the stability of pedestrians wading through flood
waters or vehicles driving along flooded roads. There are some estimation
procedures available for stability estimation, but further research is required
across a broader range of conditions.
Recommended Approach
In considering the application of flood related issues to the specific
flood characteristics of the lower Johnstone River floodplain, it is noted
duration of flooding is universally long (in the
order of days) across the floodplain;
warning times can be short (~ 6 hrs);
rates of floodwater rise are reasonably fast;
flood-awareness is generally high and does not
vary significantly across the floodplain.
The four parameters are not significantly variable across the floodplain
to warrant specific treatment and are therefore not used to define variations
in the flood hazard, but should be included in development control measures.
The flood hazard is therefore defined on the remaining, varying characteristics
the size of the flood;
depth and velocity of floodwaters; and
evacuation and access.
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