Confounding Factors in Clinical
diseases tend to wax and wane in severity; some disappear spontaneously, even,
on occasion, cancer. A good experimental design takes into account the natural
history of the disease by evaluating a large enough population of subjects over
a sufficient period of time. Further protection against errors of
interpretation caused by disease fluctuations is sometimes provided by using a crossover design, which consists of
alternating periods of admin-istration of test drug, placebo preparation (the
control), and the standard treatment (positive control), if any, in each
subject. These sequences are systematically varied, so that different subsets
of patients receive each of the possible sequences of treatment.
and unknown diseases and risk factors (including lifestyles of subjects) may
influence the results of a clinical study. For example, some diseases alter the
pharmacokinetics of drugs. Other drugs and some foods alter the
pharma-cokinetics of many drugs. Concentrations of blood or tissue com-ponents
being monitored as a measure of the effect of the new agent may be influenced
by other diseases or other drugs. Attempts to avoid this hazard usually involve
the crossover technique (when feasible) and proper selection and assignment of
patients to each of the study groups. This requires obtaining accurate
diagnostic tests, medical and pharmacologic histories (including use of
recre-ational drugs), and the use of statistically valid methods of
ran-domization in assigning subjects to particular study groups. There is
growing interest in analyzing genetic variations as part of the trial that may
influence whether a person responds to a particular drug. It has been shown
that age, gender, and pregnancy influence the pharmacokinetics of some drugs,
but these factors have not been adequately studied because of legal
restrictions and reluc-tance to expose these populations to unknown risks.
patients tend to respond in a positive way to any therapeutic intervention by
interested, caring, and enthusiastic medical per-sonnel. The manifestation of
this phenomenon in the subject is the placebo
response (Latin, “I shall please”) and may involve objective physiologic
and biochemical changes as well as changes in subjective complaints associated
with the disease. The placebo response is usually quantitated by administration
of an inert mate-rial with exactly the same physical appearance, odor,
consistency, etc, as the active dosage form. The magnitude of the response
var-ies considerably from patient to patient and may also be influ-enced by the
duration of the study. In some conditions, a positive response may be noted in
as many as 30–40% of subjects given placebo. Placebo adverse effects and
“toxicity” also occur but usu-ally involve subjective effects: stomach upset,
insomnia, sedation, and so on.Subject bias effects can be quantitated—and
minimized rela-tive to the response measured during active therapy—by the single-blind design. This involves use
of a placebo as describedabove, administered to the same subjects in a
crossover design, if possible, or to a separate control group of well-matched
subjects. Observer bias can be taken into account by disguising the identity of
the medication being used—placebo or active form—from both the subjects and the
personnel evaluating the subjects’ responses (double-blind design). In this design, a third party holds the code
identifying each medication packet, and the code is not broken until all the
clinical data have been collected.Drug effects seen in clinical trials are
obviously affected by the patient taking the drugs at the dose and frequency
prescribed. In a recent phase 2 study, one third of the patients who said they
were taking the drug were found by blood analysis to have not taken the drug.
Confirmation of compliance with
protocols (also known as adherence)
is a necessary element to consider.The various types of studies and the
conclusions that may be drawn from them are described in the accompanying text
box. (See Box: Drug Studies—The Types of Evidence.)
Drug Studies—The Types of Evidence
described, drugs are studied in a variety of ways, from 30-minute test tube
experiments with isolated enzymes and receptors to decades-long observations of
popula-tions of patients. The conclusions that can be drawn from such different
types of studies can be summarized as follows.Basic research is designed to
answer specific, usually single,questions under tightly controlled laboratory
conditions, eg, does drug x inhibit enzyme y? The basic question may then be
extended, eg, if drug x inhibits enzyme y, what is the concentration-response
relationship? Such experiments are usually reproducible and often lead to
reliable insights into the mechanism of the drug’s action.First-in-human
studies include phase 1–3 trials. Once a drugreceives FDA approval for use in
humans, case reports and caseseries consist of observations by clinicians of
the effects of drug(or other) treatments in one or more patients. These results
often reveal unpredictable benefits and toxicities but do not generally test a
prespecified hypothesis and cannot prove cause and effect. Analytic
epidemiologic studies consist of observations designed to test a specified
hypothesis, eg, that thiazolidine-dione antidiabetic drugs are associated with
adverse cardiovas-cular events. Cohort epidemiologic studies utilize
populations of patients that have (exposed group) and have not (control group)
been exposed to the agents under study and ask whether the exposed groups show
a higher or lower incidence of the effect. Case control epidemiologic studies
utilize populations of patientsthat have displayed the end point under study
and ask whether they have been exposed or not exposed to the drugs in question.
Such epidemiologic studies add weight to conjectures but can-not control all
confounding variables and therefore cannot con-clusively prove cause and
effect.Meta-analyses utilize rigorous evaluation and grouping ofsimilar studies
to increase the number of subjects studied and hence the statistical power of
results obtained in multiple pub-lished studies. While the numbers may be
dramatically increased by meta-analysis, the individual studies still suffer
from their varying methods and end points and a meta-analysis cannot prove
cause and effect. Large randomized controlled trials are designed to answer
specific questions about the effects of medi-cations on clinical end points or
important surrogate end points, using large enough samples of patients and
allocating them to control and experimental treatments using rigorous
randomiza-tion methods. Randomization is the best method for distributing all foreseen
confounding factors, as well as unknown confound-ers, equally between the
experimental and control groups. When properly carried out, such studies are
rarely invalidated and can be very convincing.
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