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Chapter: Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel Processing to the Internet of Things : Computer Clusters for Scalable Parallel Computing

Cluster Job and Resource Management

1. Cluster Job Scheduling Methods 2. Cluster Job Management Systems 3. Load Sharing Facility (LSF) for Cluster Computing 4. MOSIX: An OS for Linux Clusters and Clouds



This section covers various scheduling methods for executing multiple jobs on a clustered system. The LSF is described as middleware for cluster computing. MOSIX is introduced as a distributed OS for managing resources in large-scale clusters or in clouds.


1. Cluster Job Scheduling Methods


Cluster jobs may be scheduled to run at a specific time (calendar scheduling) or when a particular event happens (event scheduling). Table 2.6 summarizes various schemes to resolve job scheduling issues on a cluster. Jobs are scheduled according to priorities based on submission time, resource nodes, execution time, memory, disk, job type, and user identity. With static priority, jobs are assigned priorities according to a predetermined, fixed scheme. A simple scheme is to schedule jobs in a first-come, first-serve fashion. Another scheme is to assign different priorities to users. With dynamic priority, the priority of a job may change over time.


Three schemes are used to share cluster nodes. In the dedicated mode, only one job runs in the clus-ter at a time, and at most, one process of the job is assigned to a node at a time. The single job runs until completion before it releases the cluster to run other jobs. Note that even in the dedicated mode, some nodes may be reserved for system use and not be open to the user job. Other than that, all cluster resources are devoted to run a single job. This may lead to poor system utilization. The job resource

requirement can be static or dynamic. Static scheme fixes the number of nodes for a single job for its entire period. Static scheme may underutilize the cluster resource. It cannot handle the situation when the needed nodes become unavailable, such as when the workstation owner shuts down the machine.


Dynamic resource allows a job to acquire or release nodes during execution. However, it is much more difficult to implement, requiring cooperation between a running job and the Java Mes-sage Service (JMS). The jobs make asynchronous requests to the JMS to add/delete resources. The JMS needs to notify the job when resources become available. The synchrony means that a job should not be delayed (blocked) by the request/notification. Cooperation between jobs and the JMS requires modification of the programming languages/libraries. A primitive mechanism for such cooperation exists in PVM and MPI.


1.1 Space Sharing


A common scheme is to assign higher priorities to short, interactive jobs in daytime and during evening hours using tiling. In this space-sharing mode, multiple jobs can run on disjointed partitions (groups) of nodes simultaneously. At most, one process is assigned to a node at a time. Although a partition of nodes is dedicated to a job, the interconnect and the I/O subsystem may be shared by all jobs. Space sharing must solve the tiling problem and the large-job problem.



Example 2.12 Job Scheduling by Tiling over Cluster Nodes


Figure 2.22 illustrates the tiling technique. In Part (a), the JMS schedules four jobs in a first-come first-serve fashion on four nodes. Jobs 1 and 2 are small and thus assigned to nodes 1 and 2. Jobs 3 and 4 are parallel; each needs three nodes. When job 3 comes, it cannot run immediately. It must wait until job 2 finishes to free up the needed nodes. Tiling will increase the utilization of the nodes as shown in Figure 2.22(b). The overall execution time of the four jobs is reduced after repacking the jobs over the available nodes. This pro-blem cannot be solved in dedicated or space-sharing modes. However, it can be alleviated by timesharing.


1.2 Time Sharing


In the dedicated or space-sharing model, only one user process is allocated to a node. However, the sys-tem processes or daemons are still running on the same node. In the time-sharing mode, multiple user pro-cesses are assigned to the same node. Time sharing introduces the following parallel scheduling policies:


1. Independent scheduling The most straightforward implementation of time sharing is to use the operating system of each cluster node to schedule different processes as in a traditional workstation. This is called local scheduling or independent scheduling. However, the performance of parallel jobs could be significantly degraded. Processes of a parallel job need to interact. For instance, when one process wants to barrier-synchronize with another, the latter may be scheduled out. So the first process has to wait. As the second process is rescheduled, the first process may be swapped out.


2. Gang scheduling The gang scheduling scheme schedules all processes of a parallel job together. When one process is active, all processes are active. The cluster nodes are not perfectly clock-synchronized. In fact, most clusters are asynchronous systems, and are not driven by the same clock. Although we say, All processes are scheduled to run at the same time, they do not start exactly at the same time. Gang-scheduling skew is the maximum difference between the time the first process starts and the time the last process starts. The execution time of a parallel job increases as the gang-scheduling skew becomes larger, leading to longer execution time. We should use a homogeneous cluster, where gang scheduling is more effective. However, gang scheduling is not yet realized in most clusters, because of implementation difficulties.


3. Competition with foreign (local) jobs Scheduling becomes more complicated when both cluster jobs and local jobs are running. Local jobs should have priority over cluster jobs. With one keystroke, the owner wants command of all workstation resources. There are basically two ways to deal with this situation: The cluster job can either stay in the workstation node or migrate to another idle node. A stay scheme has the advantage of avoiding migration cost. The cluster process can be run at the lowest priority. The workstations cycles can be divided into three portions, for kernel processes, local processes, and cluster processes. However, to stay slows down both the local and the cluster jobs, especially when the cluster job is a load-balanced parallel job that needs frequent synchronization and communication. This leads to the migration approach to flow the jobs around available nodes, mainly for balancing the workload.


2. Cluster Job Management Systems


Job management is also known as workload management, load sharing, or load management. We will first discuss the basic issues facing a job management system and summarize the available soft-ware packages. A Job Management System (JMS) should have three parts:


    A user server lets the user submit jobs to one or more queues, specify resource requirements for each job, delete a job from a queue, and inquire about the status of a job or a queue.


    A job scheduler performs job scheduling and queuing according to job types, resource requirements, resource availability, and scheduling policies.


    A resource manager allocates and monitors resources, enforces scheduling policies, and collects accounting information.


2.1 JMS Administration


The functionality of a JMS is often distributed. For instance, a user server may reside in each host node, and the resource manager may span all cluster nodes. However, the administration of a JMS should be centralized. All configuration and log files should be maintained in one location. There should be a single user interface to use the JMS. It is undesirable to force the user to run PVM jobs through one software package, MPI jobs through another, and HPF jobs through yet another.


The JMS should be able to dynamically reconfigure the cluster with minimal impact on the running jobs. The administrators prologue and epilogue scripts should be able to run before and after each job for security checking, accounting, and cleanup. Users should be able to cleanly kill their own jobs. The administrator or the JMS should be able to cleanly suspend or kill any job. Clean means that when a job is suspended or killed, all its processes must be included. Otherwise, some orphan processes are left in the system, which wastes cluster resources and may eventually render the system unusable.


2.2 Cluster Job Types


Several types of jobs execute on a cluster. Serial jobs run on a single node. Parallel jobs use multi-ple nodes. Interactive jobs are those that require fast turnaround time, and their input/output is directed to a terminal. These jobs do not need large resources, and users expect them to execute immediately, not to wait in a queue. Batch jobs normally need more resources, such as large mem-ory space and long CPU time. But they do not need immediate responses. They are submitted to a job queue to be scheduled to run when the resource becomes available (e.g., during off hours).


While both interactive and batch jobs are managed by the JMS, foreign jobs are created outside the JMS. For instance, when a network of workstations is used as a cluster, users can submit inter-active or batch jobs to the JMS. Meanwhile, the owner of a workstation can start a foreign job at any time, which is not submitted through the JMS. Such a job is also called a local job, as opposed to cluster jobs (interactive or batch, parallel or serial) that are submitted through the JMS of the cluster. The characteristic of a local job is fast response time. The owner wants all resources to exe-cute his job, as though the cluster jobs did not exist.


2.3 Characteristics of a Cluster Workload

To realistically address job management issues, we must understand the workload behavior of clusters. It may seem ideal to characterize workload based on long-time operation data on real clusters. The parallel workload traces include both development and production jobs. These traces are then fed to a simulator to generate various statistical and performance results, based on different sequen-tial and parallel workload combinations, resource allocations, and scheduling policies. The following workload characteristics are based on a NAS benchmark experiment. Of course, different workloads may have variable statistics.


    Roughly half of parallel jobs are submitted during regular working hours. Almost 80 percent of parallel jobs run for three minutes or less. Parallel jobs running longer than 90 minutes account for 50 percent of the total time.


    The sequential workload shows that 60 percent to 70 percent of workstations are available to execute parallel jobs at any time, even during peak daytime hours.


    On a workstation, 53 percent of all idle periods are three minutes or less, but 95 percent of idle time is spent in periods of time that are 10 minutes or longer.


    A 2:1 rule applies, which says that a network of 64 workstations, with proper JMS software, can sustain a 32-node parallel workload in addition to the original sequential workload. In other words, clustering gives a supercomputer half of the cluster size for free!


2.4 Migration Schemes


A migration scheme must consider the following three issues:


    Node availability This refers to node availability for job migration. The Berkeley NOW project has reported such opportunity does exist in university campus environment. Even during peak hours, 60 percent of workstations in a cluster are available at Berkeley campus.


    Migration overhead What is the effect of the migration overhead? The migration time can significantly slow down a parallel job. It is important to reduce the migration overhead (e.g., by improving the communication subsystem) or to migrate only rarely. The slowdown is significantly reduced if a parallel job is run on a cluster of twice the size. For instance, for a 32-node parallel job run on a 60-node cluster, the slowdown caused by migration is no more than 20 percent, even when the migration time is as long as three minutes. This is because more nodes are available, and thus the migration demand is less frequent.


    Recruitment threshold What should be the recruitment threshold? In the worst scenario, right after a process migrates to a node, the node is immediately claimed by its owner. Thus, the process has to migrate again, and the cycle continues. The recruitment threshold is the amount of time a workstation stays unused before the cluster considers it an idle node.


2.5 Desired Features in A JMS


Here are some features that have been built in some commercial JMSes in cluster computing applications:


    Most support heterogeneous Linux clusters. All support parallel and batch jobs. However, Connect:Queue does not support interactive jobs.


    Enterprise cluster jobs are managed by the JMS. They will impact the owner of a workstation in running local jobs. However, NQE and PBS allow the impact to be adjusted. In DQS, the impact can be configured to be minimal.


    All packages offer some kind of load-balancing mechanism to efficiently utilize cluster resources. Some packages support checkpointing.


    Most packages cannot support dynamic process migration. They support static migration: A process can be dispatched to execute on a remote node when the process is first created.


However, once it starts execution, it stays in that node. A package that does support dynamic process migration is Condor.


    All packages allow dynamic suspension and resumption of a user job by the user or by the administrator. All packages allow resources (e.g., nodes) to be dynamically added to or deleted.


    Most packages provide both a command-line interface and a graphical user interface. Besides UNIX security mechanisms, most packages use the Kerberos authentication system.


3. Load Sharing Facility (LSF) for Cluster Computing


LSF is a commercial workload management system from Platform Computing [29]. LSF emphasizes job management and load sharing on both parallel and sequential jobs. In addition, it supports checkpointing, availability, load migration, and SSI. LSF is highly scalable and can support a clus-ter of thousands of nodes. LSF has been implemented for various UNIX and Windows/NT plat-forms. Currently, LSF is being used not only in clusters but also in grids and clouds.


3.1 LSF Architecture


LSF supports most UNIX platforms and uses the standard IP for JMS communication. Because of this, it can convert a heterogeneous network of UNIX computers into a cluster. There is no need to change the underlying OS kernel. The end user utilizes the LSF functionalities through a set of utility commands. PVM and MPI are supported. Both a command-line interface and a GUI are pro-vided. LSF also offers skilled users an API that is a runtime library called LSLIB (load sharing library). Using LSLIB explicitly requires the user to modify the application code, whereas using the utility commands does not. Two LSF daemons are used on each server in the cluster. The load information managers (LIMs) periodically exchange load information. The remote execution server (RES) executes remote tasks.


3.2 LSF Utility Commands


A cluster node may be a single-processor host or an SMP node with multiple processors, but always runs with only a single copy of the operating system on the node. Here are interesting features built into the LSF facilities:


    LSF supports all four combinations of interactive, batch, sequential, and parallel jobs. A job that is not executed through LSF is called a foreign job. A server node is one which can execute LSF jobs. A client node is one that can initiate or submit LSF jobs but cannot execute them. Only the resources on the server nodes can be shared. Server nodes can also initiate or submit LSF jobs.


    LSF offers a set of tools (lstools) to get information from LSF and to run jobs remotely. For instance, lshosts lists the static resources (discussed shortly) of every server node in the cluster. The command lsrun executes a program on a remote node.


    When a user types the command line %lsrun-R ‘swp>100’ myjob at a client node, the application myjob will be automatically executed on the most lightly loaded server node that has an available swap space greater than 100 MB.


    The lsbatch utility allows users to submit, monitor, and execute batch jobs through LSF. This utility is a load-sharing version of the popular UNIX command interpreter tcsh. Once a user enters the lstcsh shell, every command issued will be automatically executed on a suitable node. This is done transparently: The user sees a shell exactly like a tcsh running on the local node.


    The lsmake utility is a parallel version of the UNIX make utility, allowing a makefile to be processed in multiple nodes simultaneously.




Example 2.13 Application of the LSF on a Cluster of Computers


Suppose a cluster consists of eight expensive server nodes and 100 inexpensive client nodes (workstations or PCs). The server nodes are expensive due to better hardware and software, including application soft-ware. A license is available to install a FORTRAN compiler and a CAD simulation package, both valid for up to four users. Using a JMS such as LSF, all the hardware and software resources of the server nodes are made available to the clients transparently.


A user sitting in front of a client’s terminal feels as though the client node has all the software and speed of the servers locally. By typing lsmake my.makefile, the user can compile his source code on up to four servers. LSF selects the nodes with the least amount of load. Using LSF also benefits resource utiliza-tion. For instance, a user wanting to run a CAD simulation can submit a batch job. LSF will schedule the job as soon as the software becomes available.


4. MOSIX: An OS for Linux Clusters and Clouds


MOSIX is a distributed operating system that was developed at Hebrew University in 1977. Initi-ally, the system extended BSD/OS system calls for resource sharing in Pentium clusters. In 1999, the system was redesigned to run on Linux clusters built with x86 platforms. The MOSIX project is still active as of 2011, with 10 versions released over the years. The latest version, MOSIX2, is compatible with Linux 2.6.


4.1 MOXIS2 for Linux Clusters


MOSIX2 runs as a virtualization layer in the Linux environment. This layer provides SSI to users and applications along with runtime Linux support. The system runs applications in remote nodes as though they were run locally. It supports both sequential and parallel applications, and can dis-cover resources and migrate software processes transparently and automatically among Linux nodes. MOSIX2 can also manage a Linux cluster or a grid of multiple clusters.


Flexible management of a grid allows owners of clusters to share their computational resources among multiple cluster owners. Each cluster can still preserve its autonomy over its own clusters and its ability to disconnect its nodes from the grid at any time. This can be done without disrupt-ing the running programs. A MOSIX-enabled grid can extend indefinitely as long as trust exists among the cluster owners. The condition is to guarantee that guest applications cannot be modified while running in remote clusters. Hostile computers are not allowed to connect to the local network.



4.2 SSI Features in MOSIX2


The system can run in native mode or as a VM. In native mode, the performance is better, but it requires that you modify the base Linux kernel, whereas a VM can run on top of any unmodified OS that supports virtualization, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The system is most suitable for running compute-intensive applications with low to moderate amounts of I/O. Tests of MOSIX2 show that the performance of several such applications over a 1 GB/second campus grid is nearly identical to that of a single cluster. Here are some interesting features of MOSIX2:


    Users can log in on any node and do not need to know where their programs run.


    There is no need to modify or link applications with special libraries.


    There is no need to copy files to remote nodes, thanks to automatic resource discovery and workload distribution by process migration.


    Users can load-balance and migrate processes from slower to faster nodes and from nodes that run out of free memory.


    Sockets are migratable for direct communication among migrated processes.


    The system features a secure runtime environment (sandbox) for guest processes.


    The system can run batch jobs with checkpoint recovery along with tools for automatic installation and configuration scripts.


4.3 Applications of MOSIX for HPC


The MOSIX is a research OS for HPC cluster, grid, and cloud computing. The systems designers claim that MOSIX offers efficient utilization of wide-area grid resources through automatic resource discovery and load balancing. The system can run applications with unpredictable resource requirements or runtimes by running long processes, which are automatically sent to grid nodes. The sys-tem can also combine nodes of different capacities by migrating processes among nodes based on their load index and available memory.


MOSIX became proprietary software in 2001. Application examples include scientific computations for genomic sequence analysis, molecular dynamics, quantum dynamics, nanotechnology and other parallel HPC applications; engineering applications including CFD, weather forecasting, crash simulations, oil industry simulations, ASIC design, and pharmaceutical design; and cloud applictions such as for financial modeling, rendering farms, and compilation farms.




Example 2.14 Memory-Ushering Algorithm Using MOSIX versus PVM


Memory ushering is practiced to borrow the main memory of a remote cluster node, when the main mem-ory on a local node is exhausted. The remote memory access is done by process migration instead of paging or swapping to local disks. The ushering process can be implemented with PVM commands or it can use MOSIX process migration. In each execution, an average memory chunk can be assigned to the nodes using PVM. Figure 2.23 shows the execution time of the memory algorithm using PVM compared with the use of the MOSIX routine.


For a small cluster of eight nodes, the execution times are closer. When the cluster scales to 32 nodes, the MOSIX routine shows a 60 percent reduction in ushering time. Furthermore, MOSIX performs almost the same when the cluster size increases. The PVM ushering time increases monotonically by an average of 3.8 percent per node increase, while MOSIX consistently decreases by 0.4 percent per node increase. The reduction in time results from the fact that the memory and load-balancing algorithms of MOSIX are more scalable than PVM.


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