Arthropod vectors
transmit several types of viruses that cause encephalitis. The primary vector
in North America is the mos-quito. Arbovirus infection occurs in specific
geographic areas during the summer and fall. The four types of arboviral en-cephalitis
that occur in North America are LaCrosse encephalitis, St. Louis encephalitis,
Western equine encephalitis, and Eastern equine encephalitis (Roos, 1999).
Viral replication occurs
at the site of the mosquito bite. If ade-quate virus is inoculated, a viremia
ensues. The virus gains access to the central nervous system (CNS) via the
cerebral capillaries. It spreads from neuron to neuron, predominantly affecting
the cortical gray matter, the brain stem, and the thalamus. Meningeal exudates
compound the clinical presentation by irritating the meninges and increasing
ICP (Roos, 1999).
All arboviral
encephalitis begins with a flu-like prodrome, but specific neurologic
manifestations depend on the viral type. LaCrosse encephalitis, for example,
may present with focal neuro-logic symptoms and seizures. Mortality is low but
residual seizures may occur. A unique clinical feature of St. Louis
encephalitis is SIADH with hyponatremia. The mortality rate is 10% to 20%. The
clinical manifestations of Eastern equine encephalitis are acute and carry a
high mortality rate of 50% to 75% (Roos, 1999). Although the clinical
manifestations of Western equine encephalitis are nonspecific, the morbidity
rate is high.
Neuroimaging is not useful in diagnosing many types of
en-cephalitis. In Eastern equine encephalitis, however, CT scan and MRI may
reveal lesions in the basal ganglia and thalamus (Roos, 1999). The CSF analysis
shows a normal glucose level, elevated protein level, and polymorphonuclear
leukocytic pleocytosis. St. Louis, Eastern equine, and Western equine
encephalitis viruses are rarely isolated in the CSF (Roos, 1999).
The age of the patient is important information in making
a specific viral diagnosis. La Crosse virus encephalitis is the most common
pediatric arboviral encephalitis. St. Louis encephalitis affects adults over 50
years of age; Eastern equine encephalitis is not age-specific (Roos, 1999).
Western equine encephalitis can present as pediatric encephalitis but is less
There is no specific medication for arboviral
encephalitis. Medical management is aimed at controlling seizures and increased
ICP (Roos, 1999)
If the patient is very ill, hospitalization may be
required. The nurse carefully assesses neurologic status and identifies
improve-ment or deterioration in the patient’s condition. Injury preven-tion is
key in light of the potential for falls or seizures. Arboviral encephalitis may
result in death or life-long residual health issues. The family will need
support and teaching to cope with these outcomes.
Public education addressing the prevention of arboviral
en-cephalitis is a key nursing role. Clothing that provides coverage and insect
repellents should be used in high-risk areas. Community mosquito control is
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