V. Answer the following
1. Explain how the invention of printing
press influenced Renaissance, Reformation and Geographical discoveries.
The influence of the
printing press on renaissance,
Reformantion and geographical
Discoveries :
• Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press in Germany in the
middle of the 15th Century. This invention accelerated the process of Modernisation.
• Many Scholors in Italy went in search of Manuscripts of classical
Greek and Latin Literature. Later they Printed. This provided stimulus to the followering
or Renaissance.
• The Reformeras issued
Pamphlets and Published books highlighting the abuses of the Catholic Church Martin
Luther's "Ninety Five Theses" were printed and circulated widely.
• A Copy of ptolemy's ‘Geography brought from the Byzantine Empire
to the west. Thanks to the printing press, Multiple copies were made and circulated
widely. It greatly increased the knowledge of Geographical discoveries (the sea router).
2. Write a short note on the impact
of Renaissance.
The Impact of Renaissance
• The most important contribution of Renaissance was the idea of
'humanism' It marked a definite shift
towards individualism, Secularism an nationalism.
• Enriched the growth of vernacular languages. Provided the intellectual
basis for the rise of nation - states.
• Criticized the corrupt and worldly practices of the church. Encouraged
the reformation Movement.
• Renaissance led to discovery of new land routes, remapping of the
world and new inventions in science.
Outline the differences of Martin Luther
with the Catholic Church, the differences of Martin Luther
• Luther rejected the belief that ceremonies and penances would lead
to salvation. He put forward the doctrine of "Justification by Faith".
• The Grace of god would be bestowed by the divine will alone and
not by the deeds of the people.
• The Bible could be read and interpreted by all and not by the church
• The rejected the role of the church as an intermediary between
the individual and God.
4. Write a brief note on Counter Reformation.
Counter Reformation
• In order to meet the challange that the protestant reformation
posed a threat to the catholic church, Pope Paul III and his successors introduced
a member of rigorous reforms in the church. This is known as "Counter Reformation".
• They dealt with corruption severely and stopped the sale of offices.
• The Council of Trente re-emphasized
the importance of ceremonies and the significance of the 'Mass'
• It pronounced that only
the church could interpret the scriptures.
• It revitalized the Inquistion to deal with opposition to the church.
• It also gave official sanction to the society of Jesus.
5. What is Columbian Exchange?
Columbian Exchange
The reason for the movement of plants, animals, technology, culture
and strange diseases between the Americas and Europe was the conquest of Americas
by the European colonial Powers. This is known as "Columbian Exchange".
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