History - 1

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The Himalayan Mountains
The Indo-Gangetic Plain
The Southern Peninsula
India - A Land of Unity in Diversity
Paleolithic or Old Stone Age
Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age
Neolithic Age
Metal Age
The Harappan Civilization
Salient Features of the Harappan Culture
The vedic culture
Rig Vedic Age or Early Vedic Period (1500 - 1000 B.C.)
Later Vedic Period (1000 - 600 B.C.)
Causes for the Rise of Jainism and Buddhism
Life and Teachings of Vardhamana Mahavira (539- 467 B.C.) and Spread of Jainism
Life and Teachings of Gautama Buddha And Spread of Buddhism
The rise of magadha and alexander's invasion
Persian and greek invasions
Alexander's Invasion of India
The mauryan empire
Political history of the mauryas chandragupta Maurya
Extent of Asoka's Empire
Mauryan Administration
Post-mauryan india
Foreign Invasions of Northwest India
History : Kanishka (78 - 120 A.D.)
Sangam age and Sangam Literature
Sangam age Political History - Cheras, Cholas, Pandyas
Sangam age - Society, Religion, Position of Women, Fine Arts
Economy of the Sangam Age
History : Gupta empire - Chandragupta I, II ,Samudragupta
History : Samudragupta and Extant of Samudragupta's Empire
History : Chandragupta II - Estimate, Successors, Western India Conquest
Gupta Administration and Social Life
Gupta Empire - Art, Culture,Architecture, Literature, Science
History : Harshavardhana - Early Life of Harsha
Harshavardhana - Harsha's Military Conquests
Harshavardhana - Kanauj Assembly, Allahabad Conference
Harsha's Administration, Society and Economy
Harshavardhana - Nalanda University
South Indian Kingdoms - I : PallavasOrgin and History
Pallavas - Mahendravarman I
Pallavas - Narasimhavarman I (630-668 A.D.)
Pallavas - Narasimhavarman II or Rajasimha
Administration and Society under the Pallavas
Pallava - Education, Literature, Pallava Art and Architecture
South Indian Kingdoms : Chalukyas, Pulakesin II
Art, Architecture, Administration, Social Life under the Chalukyas
Rashtrakutas - South Indian Kingdom
Rashtrakutas - Administration, Society, Cultural, Economy, Art and Architecture
Imperial cholas - Rajaraja I, Rajendra I
Chola Administration - Government, Revenue, Provincial, Military
Chola Kingdom : Socio-economic Life
Chola Kingdom : Education, Literature, Art and Architecture
The spread of indian culture in other asian countries
Indian Culture in South East Asia
Indian culture in Central Asia
Early medieval india
Rajput Kingdoms
Arab Conquest of Sind (712 A.D.)
Mahmud of Ghazni and his Invasions
Muhammad Ghori and The Battle of Tarain
Delhi sultanate - Qutbuddin Aibak
Delhi sultanate - Slave Dynasty
Delhi sultanate - Ilbari dynasty by Iltutmish
Delhi sultanate - First Ilbari dynasty : Iltutmish, Raziya, Balban
Delhi sultanate - Second Ilbari dynasty : Balban, Khalji, Alauddin Khalji
Era of Balban (1246-1287)
Delhi sultanate - The Khalji Dynasty
Delhi sultanate - The Tughlaq Dynasty
Delhi sultanate - Firoz Tughlaq
Delhi sultanate - Muhammad bin Tughlaq
Delhi sultanate - Sayyids and Lodis
India under the delhi sultanate
Delhi sultanate - Administration and Government
Delhi sultanate - Social Life
Delhi sultanate - Art, Architecture, Literature and Music
Bhakti movement in medieval india
Bhakti Movement
Bhakti Movement - Ramananda, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Chaitanya, Gnanadeva, Namadeva, Ekanatha
Vijayanagar and bahmani kingdoms - Sources, Political History
Krishna Deva Raya
Krishna Deva Raya - Administration and Social Life
Krishna Deva Raya - Economic Condition, Cultural Contributions
Bahmani Kingdom and Mahmud Gawan
The mughal empire : Babur
The mughal empire : Humayun
The mughal empire : Sher Shah Sur
The mughal empire : Humayun and Sur Interregnum
The mughal empire : Akbar - Administration, Mansabdari System
The mughal empire : Jahangir and Nur Jahan
The mughal empire : Shah Jahan
The mughal empire : Aurangazeb - Deccan and Religious Policy
Causes for the Downfall of the Mughals
India under the mughals
The mughal empire : Art and Architecture
The mughal empire : Paintings and Music
The mughal empire : Rural Masses, Agriculture, Growth of Trade
The Marathas - The Rise of the Marathas
The Marathas - Shivaji : His Life, Conquests and Administration
The Peshwas - Balaji Viswanath, Balaji Baji Rao, Baji Rao I
The coming of Europeans to India

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