Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age
The next stage(Old Stone Age) of human life is called Mesolithic or Middle Stone Age
which falls roughly from 10000 B.C. to 6000 B.C. It was the transitional phase
between the Paleolithic Age and Neolithic Age. Mesolithic remains are found in
Langhanj in Gujarat, Adamgarh in Madhya Pradesh and also in some places of
Rajasthan, Utter Pradesh and Bihar. The paintings and engravings found at the
rock shelters give an idea about the social life and economic activities of
Mesolithic people. In the sites of Mesolithic Age, a different type of stone
tools is found. These are tiny stone artifacts, often not more than five
centimeters in size, and therefore called microliths. The hunting-gathering
pattern of life continued during this period. However, there seems to have been
a shift from big animal hunting to small animal hunting and fishing. The use of
bow and arrow also began during this period. Also, there began a tendency to
settle for longer periods in an area. Therefore, domestication of animals,
horticulture and primitive cultivation started. Animal bones are found in these
sites and these include dog, deer, boar and ostrich. Occasionally, burials of
the dead along with some microliths and shells seem to have been practiced.
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