Electronic waste which is commonly referred as “e-waste” is the
new byproduct of the Info Tech society. It is a physical waste in the form of
old discarded, end of life electronics. It includes a broad and growing range
of electronic devices from large household appliances such as refrigerators,
air conditioners, cellular phones, computers and other electronic goods".
Similarly, e-waste can be defined as the result when consumer, business and
household devices are disposed or sent for re-cycling (example, television,
computers, audio-equipments, VCR, DVD, telephone, Fax, Xerox machines, wireless
devices, video games, other household electronic equipments).
Solid Waste
Solid Waste is basically discharge of useless and unwarranted
materials as a result of human activity. Most commonly, they are composed of
solids, semisolids or liquids. Solid wastes consist of the discards of
households, hospital refuse, dead animals, debris from construction site,
ashes, agricultural wastes and industrial wastes etc. When waste is not removed
from the streets and public places in time it poses severe public-health and
hygiene hazards.
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