Random assignment thus plays a
central role in justifying our cause-and-effect claims. But the psychologist’s
tool kit includes another technique for ensuring that the experi-mental and
control groups match each other at the start of the experiment. This tech-nique
involves using the same people for
the two groups, guaranteeing that the two “groups” are identical in their
attitudes, backgrounds, motivations, and so forth. An experiment that uses this
technique of comparing participants’ behavior in one setting to the same
participants’ behavior in another setting is said to use within-subject com-parisons. This kind of experiment differs from
the other designs we’ve considered sofar, which use between-subject comparisons.
Within-subject comparisons are
advantageous because they eliminate any question about whether the experimental
and control groups are fully matched to each other. But within-subject
comparisons introduce their own complications. For example, let’s say that
participants are first tested in the proper circumstances for the control
condition and then tested in the circumstances for the experimental condition.
In this case, if we find a differ-ence between the conditions, is it because of
the experimental manipulation? Or is it because the experimental condition came
second, when participants were more comfort-able in the laboratory situation or
more familiar with the experiment’s requirements?
Fortunately, we can choose from
several techniques for removing this sort of concern from a within-subjects
design. In the example just sketched, we could run the control condition first
for half of the participants and the experimental condition first for the other
half. That way, any effects of sequence would have the same impact on both the
experimental and control data, so any effects of sequence could not influence
the com-parison between the conditions. Techniques like this enable
psychologists to rely on within-subject designs and can remove any question
about whether the participants in the two conditions are truly comparable to
each other.
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