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Chapter: 11th Political Science : Chapter 4 : Basic Concepts of Political Science Part II

Why should we obey the state? Is it necessary?

Though the theories mention about the political obligation, yet some seem to be abstract while some are illogical too.

Why should we obey the state? Is it necessary?


Though the theories mention about the political obligation, yet some seem to be abstract while some are illogical too. But, have you ever thought why should we obey the state? Is it because you fear or you have a sense of patriotism? Shall we see, what are the reasons that make an individual to obey the state?


i.  Fear of Punishment: 

Do you fear being punished by your teacher with an imposition if you go to school with an incomplete homework? Does your father obey the traffic signals properly fearing being penalised? Yes, fear is always there if we do not perform our tasks properly. In the same way, individuals perform their functions fearing punishments. In other ways, it is actually the coercive authority of the state that compels a man to conform to the system of regulations.

ii. Patriotism:

Why do we stand up for our National Anthem? It is because of patriotism. We love our nation. Hence, to keep our surroundings as well as to keep the streets and roads garbage free is also our duty. So, the members of the state are conscious about the state they live as without that they cannot live as civilized human beings. The members develop a binding towards the state.

iii. Fear of disorder and anarchy:

Do you  like  your  house  to  be  run  in a disorganised manner? Imagine you have breakfast in the afternoon everyday and the clothes are strewn here and there. Would you like if your place is unclean? We don’t. It is a general principle that human beings always wish for peace and order. They not only obey the laws but also look upon the ones who do not obey.

iv. Habits and traditions: 

We are all brought about to follow good habits like being courteous, honest, discipline and obedient. This is what our traditional values instilled. Hence, in a nation, even the citizens wish to establish good traditions, and obedience to the state, that which becomes a habit.

Therefore, let us understand that political obligations are necessary for the citizen to maintain a good system nationwide. Every individual hence has to abide by the laws for a good reciprocation from the state as well.


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11th Political Science : Chapter 4 : Basic Concepts of Political Science Part II : Why should we obey the state? Is it necessary? |

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