subtypes of AVP receptors have been identified; all are G protein-coupled. V1areceptors mediate the
vasoconstrictor action of AVP; V1breceptors
mediate release of ACTH by pituitary cortico-tropes; and V2receptors mediate the antidiuretic action. V1a
effects are mediated by Gq activation of phospholipase C, formation
of inositol trisphosphate, and increased intracellular calcium concentra-tion.
V2 effects are mediated by Gs activation of adenylyl
analogs selective for vasoconstrictor or antidiuretic activ-ity have been
synthesized. The most specific V1 vasoconstrictor agonist
synthesized to date is [Phe2, Ile3, Orn8]vasotocin.
Selective V2 antidiuretic analogs include 1-deamino[D-Arg8]arginine
vaso-pressin (dDAVP) and 1-deamino[Val4,D-Arg8]arginine
vasopres-sin (dVDAVP).
has proved beneficial in the treatment of vasodilatory shock states, at least
in part by virtue of its V1a agonist activity. Terlipressin (triglycyl lysine vasopressin), a synthetic
vasopressinanalog that is converted to lysine vasopressin in the body, is also
effective. It may have advantages over AVP because it is more selective for V1
receptors and has a longer half-life.
of the vasoconstrictor action of AVP are also avail-able. The peptide antagonist
d(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2]AVP also has antioxytocic activity but
does not antagonize the antidiuretic action of AVP. A related antagonist d(CH2)5[Tyr(Me)2,Dab5]AVP
lacks oxytocin antagonism but has less anti-V1 activity. Recently,
nonpeptide, orally active V1a-receptor antagonists have been
dis-covered, examples being relcovaptan
and SRX251.
V1a antagonists have been particularly useful in revealing the
important role that AVP plays in blood pressure regulation in situ-ations such
as dehydration and hemorrhage. They have potential as therapeutic agents for
the treatment of such diverse diseases and conditions as Raynaud’s disease,
hypertension, heart failure, brain edema, motion sickness, cancer, preterm
labor, and anger reduction. To date, most studies have focused on heart
failure; promising results have been obtained with V2 antagonists
such as tolvaptan, which is,
however, currently approved only for use in hyponatremia. V1a
antagonists also have potential, and conivaptan
(YM087), a drug with both V1a and V2 antagonist activity,
has also been approved for treatment of hyponatremia .
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