Tubulointerstitial nephritis is an acute or chronic
inflammation of tubules and interstitium. It can be due
to many causes, including medications, infections, acute pyelonephritis, systemic
lupus erythematosus, lead poisoning, urate nephropathy, or multiple myeloma.
Acute pyelonephritis refers to bacterial
infections involving the renal pelvis, tubules, and interstitium.
Pyelonephritis affects females much more than males, but the incidence
increases in older males with prostatic hyperplasia.
Ascending infection is the
most common route of infection. Causative organ-isms include gram-negative
enteric bacilli, Escherichia coli,
Proteus, Klebsiella, and Enterobacter.
Predisposing factors include urinary obstruction, vesicoure-teral reflux,
pregnancy, urethral instrumentation, diabetes mellitus, benign prostatic
hyperplasia, and other renal pathology. Symptoms can include fever, chills, and
malaise; dysuria, frequency, and urgency; and costovertebral angle tenderness.
Urinalysis shows pyuria and white blood cell casts.
The kidney may be enlarged,
and the cortical surface may show abscesses. Microscopically there is a
neutrophilic insterstitial infiltrate. Parenchymal
abscesses may be present. The
tubules contain neutrophil casts.
pyelonephritis can occur from chronic obstruction or in the setting of vesicoureteral reflux. Scarring can be seen at
the upper and lower poles of the kidney, with associated calyceal blunting. Microscopically
there is interstitial fibrosis and inflammation with thyroidization of the
tubule. Some patients develop glomerulosclerosis. Renal insufficiency develops
tubular interstitial nephritis is commonly caused by penicil-lins, other
antibiotics, diuretics, and NSAIDs. Interstitial inflammation is characteristic
and granulomas may be seen. This hypersensitivity reaction presents a couple of
weeks after drug exposure with fever, eosinophilia, rash, and hematuria.
Minimal proteinuria may be present. Recovery is expected after withdrawal of
the drug.
nephropathy is caused by a deposition of urate crystals (secondary to leukemia treatment, lead poisoning, and gout)
in renal tubules and intersti-tium. It may produce acute renal failure.
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