With the
introduction of cyclosporine during the 1980s, transplantation has emerged as
an effec-tive therapy for a large number of patients with severe kidney, heart,
lung, liver, and hematopoi-etic diseases. As the transplant population grows,
surgical pathologists will encounter an increasing number of specimens from
transplant recipients. These surgical pathologists play a pivotal role in the
multidisciplinary management of transplant recipients.
a specimen from a transplant recipi-ent is in many ways guided by an
understanding of the complications associated with transplanta-tion. It is
therefore useful to keep in mind the pathology unique to transplantation when
han-dling a biopsy or resection specimen from a trans-plant recipient. These
unique situations include
related to the primary dis-ease for which the transplant was performed.
Specifically, samples must be handled in a way that allows one to diagnose
recurrence of the patient’s underlying pathology. For example, although electron
microscopy and immuno-fluorescence are generally not helpful for es-tablishing
a diagnosis of acute renal allograft rejection, they can be essential for
establishing the diagnosis of a recurrent glomerular disease.
of the surgical procedure itself. For example, arterial stenosis in the donor
seg-ment of an artery is often due to accelerated graft arteriosclerosis
(chronic rejection), whereas stric-ture at the anastomotic site may be related
to the surgery. (3) Complications of acute rejection.
rejection can develop rapidly and have a devastating impact on the graft and
patient sur-vival. Biopsies from transplant recipients are therefore often
rushed. Failure to recognize the urgent nature of most transplant biopsies can
result in delayed therapy, which can have a dev-astating impact on patient
management. (4) In-fectious complications. Infections in transplant recipients
are remarkable for the diversity and multiplicity of the organisms involved.
Multiple cultures and the up-front ordering of special stains to detect a
variety of infectious agents (fungi, bacteria, viruses) are often indicated.
related to the patient’s clini-cal treatment. In addition to a host of
immuno-suppressive agents, transplant recipients are often treated with a
variable pharmacopoeia of drugs. They can cause a host of pathologies that may
mimic or be superimposed on rejection. The appropriate management of a specimen
from a transplant recipient therefore includes a thor-ough understanding of the
patient’s clinical history, including a detailed record of the medica-tions the
patient is receiving.
addition to these five general considera-tions, there are a number of
organ-specific guide-lines for handling surgical pathology specimens from transplant
recipients. These guidelines are frequently updated; as of January 2003, they
in-cluded the following.
Heart.The International Society for
Heart andLung Transplantation (ISHLT) established a “work-ing formulation” for
grading heart allograft rejection in 1990.4This
working formulation includes a number of technical considerations. Because
acute allograft rejection can be focal, the ISHLT standard grading system
requires four to six undivided pieces of myocardium. The indi-vidual handling
these biopsy specimens should document the number of pieces received. The
tissue should be fixed in 10% buffered formalin and paraffin-embedded. Once
processed, a mini-mum of three step levels should be prepared through the block
with at least three sections per level. The slides should be stained routinely
with hematoxylin and eosin and one slide stained with a connective tissue stain
such as a Masson’s trichrome. In addition, during the first 6 weeks after
transplantation at least one piece should be placed in OCT and fresh-frozen for
possible immunofluorescence examination to rule out antibody-mediated
Kidney.The “Banff” criteria for
grading renalallograft rejection were established in 1991.6 These
criteria have been periodically modified, and the current Banff ’97 guidelines
provide spe-cific recommendations for the handling of biopsy specimens from
renal transplant recipients.7 The recommendation is that
seven slides be prepared containing multiple sequential sections. Three of the
seven should be stained with hematoxylin and eosin, three with periodic
acid–Schiff or silver stains, and one with a trichrome stain. It is also
recommended that these sections be pre-pared at 3 to 4 mm.
Lung.In 1996 the ISHLT presented a
revisionof the 1990 working formulation for the grading of lung allograft
rejection.8This revision included the following recommendations for handling
transplant lung biopsies from lung transplant re-cipients. At a minimum,
sections of three levels should be stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In
addition, one level should be stained with a connective tissue stain to
evaluate the biopsy for the presence of submucosal fibrosis associated with the
development of bronchiolitis obliterans, and one level should be silver stained
for fungi/Pneumocystis. In addition,
the ISHLT group em-phasized that all biopsy specimens should be studied by
pathologists with full knowledge of the native recipient disease and the
results of the last biopsy and current bronchioloalveolar lavage.
Liver.The Banff system for grading
liver allo-graft rejection was presented in 1997.Their
recommendations included that at least two hematoxylin and eosin-stained
sections from at least two levels should be prepared from each needle core
criteria for evaluating transplant biopsy specimens for rejection are beyond
the scope of this book, but there are some centralized resources. For example,
the University of Pitts-burgh’s website contains both the current diag-nostic
criteria and standardized templates for evaluating biopsies from transplant
recipients (
· Evidence
of recurrence of a patient’s primary or underlying disease
· Any
complications related to the transplant procedure itself
· Degree
of rejection (both acute and chronic)
· Presence
of any infections
· Presence
of any neoplasms, particularly post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease
· Presence
of any complications related to ther-apy (drug toxicity)
When appropriate sampling has not occurred, it
is essential to note in the pathology report that the biopsy findings may not
be fully repre-sentative of the changes in the graft.
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