Traditional Crafts of India
The crafts in India has a rich
history. Crafts were an integral part in the life of the people. Before arrival
of mechanised industry, the production of Indian handicrafts was the second
largest source of employment in rural India next to agriculture. The traditional
Indian industry was known in the fields of textiles, woodwork, ivory, stone
cutting, leather, fragrance wood, metal work and jewellery. The village
artisans such as potters, weavers, smiths produced articles and utensils for
domestic use. But some specialised goods were produced for domestic and
international markets. Some such specialised goods produced were cotton
textiles, muslin, wool, silk and metal articles. India was famous for its fine
quality of cotton and silk clothes. There are references made in many scholarly
works to the professions of the weaver, the tailor and the dyer. Certain
centres of metal industry were quite well known. For example, Saurashtra was
known for bell metal, Vanga (Bengal) for tin industry and Dacca was identified
with muslin clothes.
The muslin
of Dacca
Mummies in Egyptian
tombs dating from 2000 BC(BCE) were found wrapped in Indian muslins of the
finest quality. A 50metres of this thin fabric could be squeezed into a match
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