The gland itself: enlarged,
smooth, nodules, tender, etc
Specific features: eg autoimmune
(exophthalmos) or pituitary disease
TRH (hypothalamus) ® TSH
(anterior pituitary) ® T3 and T4 (thyroxine ® peripherally converted to T3)
T3 & T4 stored in thyroid
follicles as thyroglobulin
T3 exerts greater negative
feedback on the pituitary. Only takes a
10% rise in fT4 to suppress TSH
T3 is considerably more
metabolically active (ie potent) than T4
Liver converts T4 ® T3, as
does kidney and muscle
T4 goes down first in
hypothyroid. Only measure T3 in
hyperthyroid (as it drives symptoms)
Bound in plasma to thyroid
binding globulin
Intercurrent illness: fT4 rises
(liver stops converting T4 to T3 straight away – want to be catabolic) then T4
falls to subnormal levels as thyroid production slows. FT3 falls from onset.
TSH slowly falls to subnormal levels with severe illness. (ie similar pattern
to hypopituitarism)
Normal gland weighs about 30 g
Nodular or diffuse?
Can be hyper, eu, or hypo-thyroid
Check size, shape, consistency,
Check for dysphagia, stridor,
laryngeal nerve palsy (especially multinodular)
Free T4 and T3
Plasma T4 (= bound T4 + free T4).
False high in pregnancy, oestrogens (ÂTBG). False lows in NSAID,
phenytoin, steroids, TBG deficiency
Plasma TSH: Newer sensitive test
means low levels can be measured Þ don‟t do TRH anymore
If low T3 and T4 and normal TSHÞ ?pituitary
Thyroid isotope scanning: to look
for hot spots or cold spots
Thyroid antibodies: raised in
Hashimoto‟s and some Graves
TRH test: Inject to test thyroid.
If minimal increase in TSH then: Hyperthyroidism, multinodular goitre,
thyroxine replacement, euthyroid Graves disease, autonomous thyroid nodule
Can use nuclear medicine,
ultrasound (little routine use – can guide FNA), CT (not for intra-thyroid
lesions but demonstrates extension and mass effects) or MRI. Only when
suspicion of significant pathology
Before scanning thyroid (with
99MTc pertechnetate), stop Iodine supplements (eg kelp), thyroxine, and angiography
(contrast contains Iodine). Gland must be „hungry‟
Normal uptake is 1 - 3 %. If it takes up too much then hyperthyroid
If diffuse uptake then
Grave's. If multinodular then:
o Cold nodules: 80% are cysts or regressive nodules. 20% are malignant. ® FNA
o Hot nodules: maybe with decompensation in rest of gland (¯uptake
due to ¯TSH)
Retro-orbital inflammation and
lymphocyte infiltration. May ® optic nerve compression (® colour desaturation and ¯acuity).
Does not parallel degree of toxicosis
At presentation, patient may be
euthyroid, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid
Management: Early referral. Check
for keratitis with Rose Bengal eye-drops. Lubricant eye drops. Systemic
steroids. Surgical and other treatments
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