Usually presents between 30 – 50
years. Rare (3/million/year)
Symptoms: insidious onset (look
at old photos), coarse oily skin, large tongue, bossing of supraorbital ridge, Âshoe size
and teeth spacing, spade-like hands, carpel tunnel syndrome, progressive heart
failure, goitre
Symptoms due to: periosteal growth (gigantism if the
condition starts before closure of the bony epiphyses), fibrous tissue growth (® skin thickening), organomegaly (eg cardiomegaly,
hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, testicular enlargement), cartilaginous growth (Âears, nose, costochondral
junctions), neurological overgrowth
(® peripheral neuropathy, exacerbated by the soft tissue swelling)
Complications: DM, ÂBP,
cardiomyopathy, Âlipids, hypopituitarism
o GH (highly variable – normally undetectable, spikes 10 times a day,
mainly during deep sleep), ÂIGF-1 (insulin like growth factor) indicates GH secretion over the
previous 24 hrs.
o Oral glucose tolerance test. If GH doesn‟t fall then acromegaly,
anorexia nervosa, poorly controlled DM, or Cushing‟s.
o Tests as for pituitary tumour
Treatment: trans-sphenoidal
surgery if young. External irradiation for elderly. Somatostatin (Octreotide)
if patient is not a good operative risk
GH deficiency in children ® growth
retardation. One high GH level excludes deficiency. Take after sleep or
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