Normal value of Na: 135 – 145
Hyponatraemia is not a diagnosis
– it is found in diverse conditions. Body Na may be low, normal or high.
Relative water retention is a common factor
Condition and treatment can be
hazardous. If correct too fast then
pontine demyelination
Treatment must be slow and
monitored closely. Treatment can range from water restriction or diuresis to
sodium restriction or normal saline. Need to know underlying cause
Don‟t use hypotonic fluids
post-op unless Na is high. Eg dextrose saline – glucose absorbed very quickly
post surgery ® hypotonic
The big boogie is underlying
cerebral oedema. Bigger problem if abrupt onset. Rapid correction can cause
central pontine melanosis
Symptoms don‟t correlate well
with [Na]
Early: anorexia, headache,
nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, weakness
Advanced: mutism, dysarthria, impaired response to
verbal or painful stimuli, bizarre behaviour, hallucinations, asterixis,
incontinence, respiratory insufficiency, spastic quadriparesis in 90%
Far advanced: (too late to do much) decorticate or
decerebrate posturing, bradycardia, hypo or hypertension, dilated pupils,
seizures, respiratory arrest, coma, polyuria (central diabetes insipidous)
Should always be a differential
in post-operative coma
Either Na depletion or water gain
(usually water gain)
Inappropriate water retention: eg
drugs (most common – eg antiepileptics), ÂADH, kidney or thyroid problems
May be borderline hyponatraemic
before (eg long term use of diuretics)
Normal ADH will  if Âosmolality
or ¯blood volume
Operative stress or serious
illness ® syndrome of inappropriate ADH (in most people) ® water
retention (especially in women, smaller starting fluid volume). NB it‟s not
really inappropriate – the body is making a justifiable physiological response:
I‟m stressed so conserve water rather than throwing it out.
Ageing impairs fluid homeostasis ® wider
swings happen easily
History: fluid losses, diuretics, other medications
Clinical findings: pulse, blood
pressure, volume assessment, oedema, thirst, skin, input/output
o Creatinine, urea, glucose, HCO3, K, plasma osmolarity, urine
Na and Osmolarity
o Severe hyponatraemia is < 125 mmol/l: nausea, malaise, headache
o < 115 mmol/l: convulsions
Look for:
o Low Na and ¯ serum osmolality
o Urine osmolality higher than expected (>200 and usually > serum
o Urinary sodium higher than expected (> 30)
o Normal pituitary, adrenal, cardiac, and renal function
Clinically useful grouping (Þ volume
assessment critical):
o Hyponatraemia with oedema: heart failure + diuretic, cirrhosis,
nephrosis (impairment of water loss via increased ADH +/- Na loss)
o Hyponatraemia with dehydration:
§ Urine [Na] > 20 mmol/l: Diuretics, Addison‟s Disease, Salt losing
§ Urine [Na] < 20 mmol/l: Vomiting, Diarrhoea, Skin loss
§ Usually rehydrate slowly with normal saline
o Hyponatraemia with euvolaemia and reduced plasma osmolality:
§ Urine [Na] > 20 mmol/l: Chronic water overload (eg primary
polydypsia, chronic SIADH – central or malignancy, etc)
§ Urine [Na] < 20 mmol/l: Acute water overload (eg acute SIADH,
oxytocin for induced labour, etc)
Treat with fluid restriction <
1000 ml/day, and treat underlying cause
Complicating factors:
o If plasma osmolarity is high then measure glucose. Hyperglycaemia ® shift of
water out of muscle cells: Na ¯ 1 mmol/L for every 4 mmol/L  in glucose
o If osmolarity is normal then pseudo-hyponatraemia (eg hyperlipidaemia,
hyperprotinaemia). An artefact: Na has been incorrectly measured in plasma
volume rather than plasma water
· See Diabetes Insipidous
Ectopic ADH Production
(relatively rare): malignancies of lung, bronchus, brain, kidney, duodenum,
Central production:
o Cerebral infections, trauma, tumours, haemorrhage
o Lung disease, eg pneumonia
o Drugs, eg morphine, carbamazepine (anti-epileptic)
o Can be seen in AIDS patients (?combination of above factors)
Prolonged vomiting and rehydration with Gastrolyte – only
contains 60 mmol/L Na
If dehydrated (eg vomiting) and
on diuretic, ADH still conserves water, but ¯Na retention so ¯[Na]. We
preserve volume at the expense of osmolarity
Serious post-operative problem.
Especially women after elective surgery (eg gynaecology wards). Hypothesis:
surgery ® ÂADH (eg due to pain), dextrose also given in belief that it slows
catabolism and promotes healing – but together they lead to ¯[Na]
Sample cases:
o Raise the sodium at a safe rate
o Treat the cause
Basic regimes:
o If volume depleted (Renal/GI losses, diuretics, adrenal insufficiency): saline isotonic to the patient or normal saline. Extra Na will have a small effect but Âvolume ® ¯ADH ® excess water excreted
o Normovolaemic or oedematous (SIADH, renal failure, polydypsia, oedema): Water restriction
o If severe symptoms or if sodium < 110 then ?hypertonic saline. ÂNa by no
more than 12 mmol per 24 hours: keep rate smooth. Key judgement is speed of
infusion. No front loading. Animal studies show correction by > 14/mmol/24
hours ® lesions in 71% of dogs. If no symptoms – maybe go slower
Monitor 2 hourly. Manage in high dependency unit. Detect and treat hypoxia
Adverse neurological consequences
of rapid correction: myelin breakdown in the pons, patchy symmetrical lesions
elsewhere in the brain. But risk of not treating acute cerebral oedema far
exceeds the small risk of osmotic demyelination
Maybe frusemide to Âfree
water excretion
o Often used loosely to describe a volume depleted patient
o Correctly it refers to ¯intracellular water, following fluid shifts from ICF to ECF
o Water is lost (either as pure water or as hypotonic fluid) ® Âosmolality
and thirst
o Treatment is water replacement (dextrose)
Volume depletion:
o Losses from the ECF (isotonic sodium) ® ¯circulating
o ¯BP, Âtachycardia,
¯tissue turgor
o Treatment is replacement of NaCl
Dehydration and volume depletion
can co-exist
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