A stethoscope is used to hear the heart beat sounds, sound due to inhalation and exhalation of air in the lungs and the respiratory pathways and also the stomach movement. It is a very useful diagnostic tool to help localize problems and to diagnose disease. Stethoscopes are also used along with the sphygmomanometer. The first usable binaural stethoscope was invented in 1855. The modern electronic stethoscopes are high precisioned instruments. These can be used to hear a patient's heart and lung clearly even in high noisy environments and even through layers of clothing. The electronic stethoscopes also make it possible to hear the foetal sounds in mother's womb.
1. Stethoscope helps to find normal (lub-dub) versus abnormal heart sounds (heart murmurs) and also to diagnose valve functions.
2. Stethoscopes can indicate fluid in lungs in case of pneumonia and pulmonary edema. It can diagnose airway diseases like bronchitis and pleuritis.
3. Stethoscopes are also used to compare the movements in the normal versus overactive or underactive intestinal tract.
Medical Lab Techniques
In medical therapeutics both diagnosis and treatment are the two important vital aspects. Diagnosis involves identifying or determining the nature of disease while treatment involves the curative aspects in order to eliminate the disease causing agent. The clinical laboratory tests help a physician in correct diagnosis and treatment.
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