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Chapter: 11th Home Science : Chapter 3 : Food Science

Steps in Minimizing Loss of Nutrients During Cooking

Some nutrients are lost when foods are cooked.


Some nutrients are lost when foods are cooked. Nutrients like vitamin B and C are lost when foods are boiled or soaked in water and the water is thrown away. Nutrients like vitamin A are lost when fats are used for cooking foods. Therefore we must think of ways of saving these nutrients.


·        Wash vegetables before cutting them so that minerals and vitamins are not destroyed. Do not wash the foods more than necessary.


·        Peel vegetables thinly as vitamins and minerals are found just under the skin.


·        Cut vegetables into large pieces just before cooking. Small pieces mean greater loss of nutrients.


·        If vegetables are to be cooked in water, put them into boiling water. Scrape the peels very thin.


·        Use just enough water for cooking. Do not throw away the extra water. Use this extra water to cook some other food.


·        Do not use cooking soda. Use of tam-arind or lemon juice helps to conserve the vitamins.


·        Cook rice in just enough water which gets absorbed during cooking.


·        Cook in a pan which has a well fitting lid. When you cook in an uncovered pan most nutrients are lost.


·        Do not overcook the food as many nutrients will be destroyed.


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11th Home Science : Chapter 3 : Food Science : Steps in Minimizing Loss of Nutrients During Cooking |

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