liberalization of the economy and globalization, the world has now become one
single market. Due to this, the competition experienced by the business houses
has also increased multifold.
organizations have to strive hard to create opportunities to survive & grow
in this environment. Hence, there arises a need of individuals having
specialized knowledge and skills in their respective fields. One of such
specialized individual is known as “Secretary”. Secretaries are being appointed
by business firms, trade associations, sports clubs, co-operative societies,
trade unions, government departments, non-profit associations etc. in order to
look after day-to-day business matters.
olden times, the king or emperor appointed a secretary or a personal assistant
to only look after his routine work, such as, giving advice on critical
matters, writing professional letters or maintaining secrecy on confidential
matters. However, over the years the role of a secretary has changed
considerably from being a personal secretary to an institutional secretary. His
duties have changed from clerical level to ministerial level. He plays an
important role in the business organization and works as a backbone for an
organizational structure.
word secretary is derived from the Latin word “Secretarius” which means a
confidential writer or notary’ He is a person entrusted with secrets. In
earlier days the officer who conducts the correspondence of a King is called
Secretary. In modern times the duties and functions of a secretary is
especially felt in the business world because of two reasons.
and growth of business.
of business operations.
governing body of the organization may change (i.e.) director, chairman of the
companies, ministers in the cabinet may come and go but the secretary has to
run the show, and promote the growth of the organiasation.
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