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Chapter: Modern Medical Toxicology: Hydrocarbons and Pesticides: Pesticides


These are compounds which kill rats, mice, moles, and other rodents.


These are compounds which kill rats, mice, moles, and other rodents. Examples, anticoagulants, thallium, vacor, phosphorus, zinc and aluminium phosphide, alpha-naphthyl-thiourea, cholecalciferol, arsenic, barium carbonate, bromethalin, fluoroacetamide, sodium monofluoroacetamide, red squill, strychnine.

Some of these are very commonly involved in human poisoning, e.g. phosphorus, zinc and aluminium phos-phide, long acting anticoagulants (especially broma-diolone), etc., but they have been discussed elsewhere (consult Index).

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Modern Medical Toxicology: Hydrocarbons and Pesticides: Pesticides : Rodenticides |

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