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Chapter: 8th Social Science : Geography : Chapter 4 : Migration and Urbanisation

Recap, Glossary

Migration takes place due to natural, economic, socio-cultural, demographic and political causes.


* Common pattern of migration is from rural to urban.

* Migration takes place due to natural, economic, socio-cultural, demographic and political causes.

* Urbanisation is the result of rural to urban migration, natural growth of population and reclassification of rural areas into urban areas.

* Problems of urbanisation are mainly owing to over population, inadequate infrastructure, industrial development and increase in number of vehicles.



1. Migrant: The person who migrates from one place to another.

2. Emigration: A migration in which an individual or a group move out from home country. குடி பெயர்தல்

3. Emigrant: An International migrant departing to another country by crossing the International boundary குடி பெயர்பவர்

4. Immigration: A migration in which a person or group of people move into a new country குடியேற்றம்

5. Immigrant: An international migrant who enters into an area from a place outside the country குடியேறுபவர்

6. Push factors: The factors which force the people to move out from their native places. உந்து காரணிகள்

7. Pull factors: The factors which attract people from outside into a place. இழு காரணிகள்

8. Transhumance: It is also called Seasonal Migration, where pastoral farmers move with their herds seasonally or periodically between plains and mountains. கால்நடையுடன் இடம்பெயர்வு



1. Maurya, S.D. – 2012, Human Geography, Allahabad, Prayag Pustak Bhawan.

2. Husain, M. – 2012, Human Geography, Jaipur, Rawat Publications.

3.United Nations – 2014, World UrbanisationProspects 2014 Revision, Highlights, Department of Economic & Social Affairs, Population Division.

4. United Nations – 2017, InternationalMigration Report 2017, Highlights, Department of Economic & Social Affairs.

5. United Nations – 2018, Wo r l d UrbanisationProspects 2018 Revision, Key facts, Department of Economic & Social Affairs, Population Division.



Migration and Urbanisation

Through this activity you will know about total number of international migrations

Step – 1: Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.

Step – 2: Go to left side menu and Select any Country (Ex. India)

Step – 3: Drag the Time line in left side menu to know about migration status of India

Web URL: https://migrationdataportal.org/latest

* Pictures are indicatives only.

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