'Motivation is an essential condition of Learning process,' says Melton.
represents the antecedent dynamic background for both original behaviour and
it' s modifications' says Gates.
Motivation is an art if attracting
others towards oneself. In many of our activities. Whether personal, social, or
national, motivation is present directly or indirectly.
Motivation has become an art of
giving incentives to others for doing something; art of making appeals in order
to attract others towards oneself. Needless to add that motivation is useful in
nursing profession.
In the field of education ends and
means are complementary to each other. When we attain something, that something
becomes a means for attracting some other thing higher than that.
Thus we are continuously engaged in
obtaining our goals and using the same as a means for attaining something
higher end.
So what was end once becomes a means
for another time. Needless to remark, that a number of small ends go to
formulate a bigger end.
So we are consistently engaged in
using an end as a motivation. In education this type of continuous arousal of
motivation is of great importance.
There may not be any relationship necessarily between intensity
and duration of motivation. If motivation is very intense, the goal is likely
to be achieved sooner.
Then if duration will be shorter and if the goal of an
intensive motivation is not achieved soon, its duration will be continued till
the achievement of the same. Thus an intensive motivation is likely to control
the human behaviour for a longer duration.
The sphere of motivation depends
upon the environment. Our lives will come to an end and all our activities;
will be stopped if we do not feel motivated for one thing or another.
Kinds of Motivation:
Kinds of motivation are
and artificial,
intrinsic and extrinsic.
Automatic actions and reflexes,
habit, instincts, feelings, desire interests, suggestion, imitation are natural motivation.
To acquire knowledge, to win
affection of the person we love, to obtain a post, to acquire confidence of
others, to obtain leadership and popularity may be the artificial motivations for
an individual.
These may also be regarded as natural because they are
in most of us and many of our activities are guided by them. Artificial
motivation have their base in some of our natural motivation, instincts, urges,
drives or natural needs.
The physical , mental and social
development of the individual should be rightly understood for ascertaining
what type of artificial motivation will be more appropriate.
The individual will not feel
motivated, unless he has a goal to achieve. A model before him will further
energize him. Thus he will feel inner striving and this striving will be
So in the presence of a goal, model
and purposive striving, a student may be guided to achieve great heights.
The patient must be given a correct
knowledge of his progress in order to motivate him further, when he realizes
that he is progressing well he puts in greater efforts. Reward is a great
An individual is naturally desirous
of obtaining reward on his successful performance. The fear of punishment goads
the individual to follow the right path. Punishment serves as a powerful
motivation to follow the right path.
s proposes a comprehensive theory of need of gratification and growth
motivation including fundamental physiological needs.
The main reason why disadvantaged
and poor children refuse to be motivated in the classrooms to learn is that
their basic bodily needs remain unsatisfied.
Under safety needs such as security
routine regularity, children do need discipline within their levels of
understanding in order to perceive an orderly and organized world.
Often under achievers are the
resultant of lack of love and understanding. Esteem needs cover confidence,
independence, recognition, attention and appreciation.
When the above needs are a satisfied the classroom climate
is synergetic and help the individual to actualize his inner potentialities.
Achievement motivation
Just as Maslow, Murray
gives an impressive list of
nurturance and
sentience as human motives.
Achievement motive is a type of
social motive. It appears to be a widely generalized level of aspiration,
aiming at excellence in all under taken activities.
It involves an exalted self-esteem and self-image and it is
a learned motive, acquired in the process of growing up and living in a
society. In this motivation, the goals set by individuals themselves have
energizing properties to motivate behaviour.
McClelland, in her study on measurement and application of the achievement motive, symbolically expressed in
an arch (need for Achievement) and explained the social origins of achievement
motivation and its implications for social progress.
McClelland also listed conditions for effective pupil
motivation. These are,
let pupils understand reasons for
developing certain motives,
let motives be realistic, link
motives with activities and daily life events,
commit pupil progress give pupils
honest and warm support, encourage self study and make pupil feel that he belongs
to some successful group.
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