of the patient
The entrance of a patient into a health care agency such as
a hospital or a private clinic is termed as admission. A patient enters the
hospital by himself or he may be brought to the hospital by his relatives,
friends, neighbours or others.
ill patients, persons who have tried to commit suicide and accident patients
are admitted through a legal process.
ill person enters the hospital to get his disorder cured whereas a healthy
individual gets admitted into a hospital for a day or two for investigations
and observations and in order to find out whether he is suffering from any
illness which has not been manifested by any external signs and symptoms.
Patients who have become seriously ill suddenly, come to the
hospital without having had any time to settle their family and work affairs.
Hence, they are not only worried and
anxious about their illness, but also are upset about various other problems
affecting their family.
Nurses must understand their physical and mental problems
and be very kind and understanding.
Need for good reception of the
nurse has an important role to play in the reception of the patient to the
hospital. The following are the purposes of this procedure.
To prepare the patient both physically
and mentally for his stay in the hospital.
To help the patient to be comfortable
and to provide him with a clean and safe environment.
To give a good impression of the
hospital and its services so that the patient will fully co-operate with the
treatment and nursing care.
A patient may be coming to hospital for
the first time. He leaves his familiar home surrounding and his loved ones and
comes to an unknown place and to unknown people. Any change in human life is
anxiety producing and is viewed with fear.
Added to this, his physical condition
gives him fear and anxiety. Hence, it is the nurse's duty to receive the
patient, kindly sympathetically and with an understanding of his illness. If he
is admitted, he is given a diet sheet and sent to the ward. If he is too ill and
needs immediate attention he is given emergency treatment and then transported
to the ward.
As soon as the patient comes to the ward, receive him, his
relatives and his friends as if you are receiving your guests into your home.
Ask them to be seated while you prepare the bed ready for the patient.
If the patient is in a serious condition, the ward nurse is
informed in advance about the arrival of the patient, so that the patient does
not have to wait till the bed is made ready.
Need for orientation to place and
Inform the patient and his relatives about the hospital
routine, the hospital rules, the general set up of the ward and the personnel
working in the ward. Inform the patient's relatives about the time of visiting
hours and supply them with visiting passes.
If the patient is seriously ill, give the relative a special
pass so that he will be able to stay with the patient in the hospital.
Need for admission assessment
Do a good assessment of his physical condition in order to
plan his care. If his physical state needs immediate treatment report to
physician and prepare your patient for physical examination and carry out the
treatment, which the physician prescribes after the physical examination.
Need for safeguarding patient's
personal belongings:-
It is always good policy to discourage patients to keep
valuable things and money with them. Send the valuables home through relatives.
If he does not have anyone with him, enter the description of items in the
register and send the valuables to the office for safe custody. Get the
patient's signature or thumb impression in the register. However, inform the
patient that he will get back his valuables on discharge.
It is important that you take care of the patient's
clothing. You should see that the clothing are cleaned and stored away with
proper label or send them home for a fresh set of clean clothes.
encourage, patients to use hospital clothing. If a patient is suffering from
infectious disease, see that the clothing are disinfected and cleaned before
they are sent home or stored away.
Need for personal hygiene
As a nurse it is important that you attend the personal
hygiene of the patient on admission. If the patient is able to have a bath in
the bathroom, he can be given a bath.
If he is unable to walk, you can give him a bed-bath. You
should carry out other aspects of your patient's personal hygiene such as care
of hair, mouth and nails.
Especially in our country, the patients who are ignorant and
illiterate do not see to their personal hygiene when they become sick. So when
a patient comes to the hospital, this need has to be attended to on his
During the process of cleaning your patient, you get an
opportunity to examine and observe him thoroughly and talk to him so that you
will be able to know about his physical and mental condition.
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