Androgen insensitivity syndrome
This condition is due to defects
in the androgen receptor and results in a spectrum of under-virilized
phenotypes in the 46XY patient.
Deletions of the gene and certain
mutations can result in a completely female phenotype.
· External genitalia are
unambiguously female, with normal clitoris, hypoplastic labia majora, and
blind-ending vaginal pouch. Müllerian structures are absent.
· Testes may be located in the
abdomen, inguinal canal, or labia.
· AIS should be strongly suspected
and excluded in any female presenting with inguinal hernia.
· Patients with complete AIS often
present in adolescence with primary amenorrhoea.
· At puberty, serum levels of
testosterone and LH are elevated. Conversion of testosterone to oestradiol in
the testis and in peripheral tissues results in normal breast development.
· Pubic and axillary hair
development is absent or sparse.
· Diagnosis is confirmed by
demonstrating 46XY karyotype.
In view of the potential risk of
malignant transformation if retained, removal of the testis either soon after
diagnosis or after the completion of puberty is carried out. After gonadal
removal, oestrogen replacement therapy is given.
Certain mutations of the androgen
receptor gene result in a partial form of AIS. There is a wide spectrum of
phenotypic expression ranging from ambiguous genitalia to a normal male
phenotype presenting with fertility difficulties. There is, however, poor
genotype–phenotype correlation and patients with the same mutation present with
different phenotypes.
Management is much more
challenging. Sex assignment depends on the degree of genital ambiguity.
Individuals have both ovarian
tissue with follicles and testicular tissue with seminiferous tubules either in
the same gonad (ovotestis) or with an ova-ry on one side and a testis on the
other. The aetiology of this condi-tion is unclear. In 70% of cases the
underlying karyotype is 46XX; 20% 46XX/46XY; 10% 46XY.
Ovotestes may be present
bilaterally and may be located in the inguinal canal. The external genitalia
are most often ambiguous, although in 10% phenotype may be female. The degree
of feminization and virilization that occurs varies widely. Management is
dictated by sex assignment. Dysgenetic testicular tissue should be removed
because of the risk of malignant transformation.
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