Window Functions
Window Organization
Organize windows to support user tasks.
Support the most common tasks in the most efficient
sequence of steps.
Use primary windows to:
Begin an interaction and provide a top-level
context for dependent windows.
Perform a major interaction.
Use secondary windows to:
Extend the interaction.
Obtain or display supplemental information related
to the primary window.
Use dialog boxes for:
Infrequently used or needed information.
“Nice-to-know” information.
Number of Windows
Minimize the number of windows needed to accomplish
an objective.
The general rule:
Minimize the number of windows used to accomplish
an objective.
Use a single window whenever possible. Consider,
however, the user’s task.
Don’t clutter up a single window with rarely used
information when it can be placed on a second, infrequently used, window.
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