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Chapter: Ophthalmology: The Ophthalmic Examination

Ophthalmic Examination: Equipment

Ophthalmic Examination: Equipment
The basic equipment for the ophthalmic examination includes the following instruments:

The Ophthalmic Examination


The basic equipment for the ophthalmic examination includes the following instruments:

  Direct ophthalmoscope for examining the fundus (Fig. 1.1).

Focused light (Fig. 1.1) for examining the reaction of the pupil and the ante-rior chamber.

Aspheric lens (Fig. 1.1) for examining the anterior chamber.

Eye chart for testing visual acuity at a distance of 5 meters (20 feet)(Fig. 1.2).

  Binocular loupes for removing corneal and conjunctival foreign bodies.

Desmarres eyelid retractor and glass rod or sterile cotton swab for eyelideversion (Fig. 1.3).

Foreign-body needle for removing superficial corneal foreign bodies (Fig. 1.3).

Recommended medications:

Topical anesthetic (such as oxybuprocaine 0.4% eyedrops) to provide localanesthesia during removal of conjunctival and corneal foreign bodies and superficial anesthesia prior to flushing the conjunctival sac in chemical injuries.

  Sterile buffer solution for primary treatment of chemical injuries.

Antibiotic eyedrops for first aid treatment of injuries, sterile eye compresses,and a 1 cm adhesive bandage for protective bandaging.

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