A complete history includes four aspects:
1. Family history. Many eye disorders are hereditary or of higher incidence
inmembers of the same family. Examples include refractive errors, stra-bismus,
cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment, and retinal dystrophy.
2. Medical history. As ocular changes may be related to systemic disorders,this
possibility must be explored. Conditions affecting the eyes include diabetes
mellitus, hypertension, infectious diseases, rheumatic disorders, skin
diseases, and surgery. Eye disorders such as corticosteroid-induced glaucoma,
corticosteroid-induced cataract, and chloroquine-induced maculopathy can occur
as a result of treatment with medications such as steroids, chloroquine,
Amiodarone, Myambutol, or chlorpromazine (see table in Appendix).
Ophthalmic history.The examiner should inquire about corrective
lenses,strabismus or amblyopia, posttraumatic conditions, and surgery or eye
4. Current history. What symptoms does the patient present with? Does thepatient
have impaired vision, pain, redness of the eye, or double vision? When did
these symptoms occur? Are injuries or associated generalized symptoms present?
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