Eyedrops, Ointment, and Bandages
Eyedrops and ointment should be administered
posterior to the everted lowereyelid.
One drop or strip of ointment approximately 1 cm long should beadministered laterally to the inferior conjunctival sac.
To avoid injury to the eye, drops should be administered with the patient supine (Fig. 1.16) or seated with the head
tilted back and supported. The person administering the medi-cation places
his or her hand on the patient’s face for support. Bottles and tubes must not
come in contact with the patient’s eyelashes as they might otherwise become
contaminated. Allow the drops or strip of ointment to drop into the
conjunctival sac.
Eye ointment should not be administered following ocular trauma as this may complicate subsequent examination or surgery. Dilation of the pupils with a mydriatic in unconscious patients should be avoided as this complicates neurologic examination.
Eye bandage.A sterile swab or commercially available bandage (two ovallayers
of bandage material with a layer cotton between them) may be used. Care should
be taken to avoid touching the side in contact with the eye. The bandage is
fixed to the forehead and cheek with strips of adhesive tape.
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