for reproductive health-Problems and strategies
India is amongst the
first few countries in the world to initiate the ‘Family planning programme’
since 1951 and is periodically assessed every decade. These
programmes are popularly named as ‘Reproductive and Child Health Care
(RCH). Major tasks carried out under these programmes are:
Creating awareness and providing medical assistance to build a
healthy society.
Introducing sex education in schools to provide information about
adolescence and adolescence related changes.
Educating couples and those in the marriageable age groups about
the available birth control methods and family planning norms.
Creating awareness about care for pregnant women, post-natal care
of mother and child and the importance of breast feeding.
Encouraging and supporting governmental and non-governmental
agencies to identify new
methods and/or to
improve upon the existing methods of birth control.
Health care programmes
such as massive child immunization, supply of nutritional food to the pregnant
women, Janani Suraksha Yojana, Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram, RMNCH+A
approach (an integrated approach for reproductive, maternal, new born, child
and adolescent health), Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan, etc., are
taken up at the national level by the Government of India.
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