Mycophenolate mofetil
(MMF) is a semisynthetic derivative of mycophenolic acid, isolated from the
mold Penicillium glaucus. In vitro,
it inhibits T- and B-lymphocyte responses, including mito-gen and mixed
lymphocyte responses, probably by inhibition ofde novo synthesis of purines.
Mycophenolate mofetil is hydrolyzed to mycophenolic acid, the active
immunosuppressive moiety; it is synthesized and administered as MMF to enhance
Mycophenolate mofetil
is available in both oral and intrave-nous forms. The oral form is rapidly
metabolized to mycophenolic acid. Although the cytochrome P450 3A system is not
involved, some drug interactions still occur. Plasma drug levels are
fre-quently monitored, similar to the calcineurin inhibitors and PSIs.
Mycophenolate mofetil
is used in solid organ transplant patients for refractory rejection and, in
combination with predni-sone, as an alternative to cyclosporine or tacrolimus
in patients who do not tolerate those drugs. Its antiproliferative properties
make it the first-line drug for preventing or reducing chronic allograft
vasculopathy in cardiac transplant recipients. Myco-phenolate mofetil is used
as prophylaxis for and treatment of both acute and chronic graft-versus-host
disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients. Newer immunosuppressant
applica-tions for MMF include lupus nephritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
inflammatory bowel disease, and some dermatologic disorders.
include gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
pain) headache, hypertension, and reversible myelosuppression (primarily
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