Monoclonal antibodies
Recombinant DNA technology has allowed for the
development of monoclonal antibodies directed
at such targets as other immunecells or cancer cells. Monoclonal antibodies
gemtuzumab ozogamicin
ibritumomab tiuxetan
Because of their large protein molecule structure,
monoclonal an-tibodies aren’t absorbed orally. They may have a limited
distribu-tion as well as a long half-life, sometimes measured in weeks.
Monoclonal antibodies bind to target receptors or
cancer cells and cause tumor death via several mechanisms: They may induce
pro-grammed cell death; they may recruit other elements of the im-mune system
to attack the cancer cell; or they may deliver a dose of a toxic chemotherapy
drug (gemtuzumab) or radiation (ibritu-momab) to the tumor site.
Monoclonal antibodies have demonstrated activity in
both solid tumors and hematologic malignancies, such as:
§ non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma—rituximab and
ibritumomab (target CD20 or malignant B lymphocytes)
§ chronic lymphocytic leukemia—alemtuzumab
(target CD52 antigen or B cells)
§ acute myeloid leukemia—gemtuzumab (target
CD33 antigen in myeloid leukemic cells)
§ breast cancer—trastuzumab (target HER-2
protein in breast cancer cells).
Although no interactions have been noted with
alemtuzumab, mul-tiple drug interactions are associated with other monoclonal
Ibritumomab may interfere with the actions of such drugs as warfarin,
aspirin, clopidogrel, ticlopidine, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
azathioprine, cyclosporine, and corticoste-roids.
Trastuzumab increases the cardiac toxicity associated with
an-thracycline administration. (See Adverse
reactions to monoclonalantibodies.)
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