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Chapter: Clinical Pharmacology: Antineoplastic drugs

Drugs and cancer

In the 1940s, antineoplastic (chemotherapeutic) drugs were de-veloped to treat cancer.

Drugs and cancer


In the 1940s, antineoplastic (chemotherapeutic) drugs were de-veloped to treat cancer. However, these agents commonly had se-rious adverse effects.


A brighter future


Today, many of these toxicities can be lessened so they aren’t as devastating to the patient. With modern chemotherapy, childhood malignancies, such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and adult cancers, such as testicular cancer, are curable in most patients. New therapeutic strategies, such as using monoclonal antibodies or targeting specific proteins, are further improving the time that a patient’s cancer can remain in remission. In addition, drugs such as interferons are being used to treat patients with cancer.

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