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Chapter: Clinical Pharmacology: Antineoplastic drugs

Hormonal antineoplastic drugs and hormone modulators

Hormonal antineoplastic drugs and hormone modulators areprescribed to alter the growth of malignant neoplasms or to man-age and treat their physiologic effects.

Hormonal antineoplastic drugs and hormone modulators

Hormonal antineoplastic drugs and hormone modulators areprescribed to alter the growth of malignant neoplasms or to man-age and treat their physiologic effects.

Hitting them where it hurts


Hormonal therapies and hormone modulators prove effective against hormone-dependent tumors, such as cancers of the pros-tate, breast, and endometrium. Lymphomas and leukemias are usually treated with therapies that include corticosteroids be-cause of their potential for affecting lymphocytes.


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Clinical Pharmacology: Antineoplastic drugs : Hormonal antineoplastic drugs and hormone modulators |

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