microbiology of seawater
The world’s oceans cover some 70 per cent of the
Earth’s surface and have a fairly constant salt content of 3.5 per cent (w/v).
The depth to which light can penetrate varies, but is limited to the first 100
metres or so. A world of permanent darkness exists at greater depths, however
in spite of the absence of photosynthesis, oxygen is often still present. This
is because the generally low levels of mineral nutrients in seawater limit the
amount of primary production, and therefore heterotrophic activity. At extreme
depths, however, anoxic conditions prevail.
Compared to freshwater habitats, marine ecosystems
show much less variability in both temperature and pH, although there are
exceptions to this general rule. A more pertinent issue in marine environments
is that of pressure; this increases progressively in deeper waters, and at 1000
metres reaches around 100 times normal atmospheric pressure. Concomitant with
this increase in pressure is a decrease in temperature and nutrients.
Surprisingly, however, certain members of the Archaea have been isolated even
from these extreme conditions.
In contrast to terrestrial ecosystems, where plants
are responsible for most of the energy fixation via photo-synthesis, marine
primary production is largely micro-bial, in the shape of members of the phytoplankton. As we have seen, such
forms are restricted to those zones where light is able to penetrate. Also
found here may be protozoans and fungi that feed on the phytoplankton. Because
of thehigh salt concentration of seawater, the bacteria that are typically
found in such environments differ from those in freshwater. In the last decade
or so, the presence of ultramicrobacteria has been detected in marine
ecosystems at relatively high densities; these are around one-tenth of the size
of ‘normal’ bacteria. Marine bacteria are of necessity halophilic. Anaerobic decomposing
bacteria inhabit the benthic zone, carrying out reactions similar to those that
occur in freshwater sediments, whilst the profundal zone is largely free of
microbial life.
Detection and isolation of microorganisms in the
As we emphasised in the last, microorganisms rarely,
if ever, exist in nature as pure cultures but rather form mixed populations.
Methods are required, therefore, for the detection and isolation of specific
microbial types from such mixtures. The traditional method of isolation is the
use of an enrichment culture. As examples, aerobic incubation with a supply of
nitrite would assist in the isolation of nitrifying bacteria such as
Nitrobacterfrom mud or sewage, whilst a minimal medium containing FeSO4
at pH 2 would encourage the isolation of A. ferrooxidans from a water sample.
We now know however that there are many types of
microorganism in the environment that have so far resisted all attempts to
culture them in the laboratory (often referred to as viable but non-culturable).
The use of modern molecular techniques has helped us to identify the existence
of a much broader range of bacteria and archaea than had previously been
thought to exist. The extreme sensitivity of such methods means that we are
able to demonstrate the presence of even a single copy of a particular
bacterium in a mixed population. One such technique is called fluorescence in
situ hybridisation (FISH). This uses a probe comprising a short sequence of
single-stranded DNA or RNA that is unique to a particular microorganism,
attached to a fluorescent dye. The microorganisms are fixed to a glass slide
and incubated with the probe. The rules of base pairing in nucleic acids mean
that the probe will seek out its complementary sequence, and cells carrying this
sequence can be visualised under a fluorescence microscope. The most commonly
used ‘target’ is ribosomal RNA, since this shows sequence variation from one
microbial type to another, and because there are multiple copies within each
cell, providing a stronger response. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is
another valuable tool in the identification of specific nucleic acid sequences.
Other methods, not dependent on DNA, include the use of fluorescence-labelled
antibodies raised against specific microorganisms.
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