Effect of electricity
The next effect of electric current is Magnetism.
In 1819, Hans Christian Oersted discovered the electricity that has a magnetic
effect. The experiment in activity-5 will help you understand the magnetic
effect of electric current.
1. Application
of magnetic effect of electric current - Electromagnet
Magnetic effect of electric current has been used
in making powerful electromagnets. Electromagnets are also used to remove
splinters of steel or iron in hospitals dealing with eye injuries.
Electro magnets are used in many appliances that
we use in our day to day life, namely, electric bell, cranes and telephone. Let
us know how the magnetic effect of electric current is applied in telephones.
Materials required
* Iron nail
* Battery & Switch
* Wire
Take around 75 cm long piece of
insulated flexible wire and an iron nail say about 8 - 10 cm long. Wind the wire
tightly around the nail in the form of a coil. Connect the free ends of the
wire to the terminals of a cell as shown. Place some pins on or near the end of
the nail. Now switch on and switch off the current, What happens?
When the switch is kept in on position
the pins starts to cling to the end of the nail.
When the electric current is
switched off the coil generally loses its magnetism. Such coils are called as
The polarities of both ends of the coil changes according
to the direction of electric current passes.
2. Telephone
In telephones, a changing magnetic effect causes a
thin sheet of metal (diaphragm) to vibrate. The diaphragm is made up a metal
that can be attracted to magnets.
1. The diaphragm is attached to spring that
is fixed to the earpiece.
2. When a current flows through the wires,
the soft – iron bar becomes an electromagnet.
3. The
diaphragm becomes attracted
to the electromagnet.
the person on
the other end
of the line
speaks, his voice
cause the current
in the circuit to change. This causes the diaphragm in the earpiece to
vibrate, producing sound.
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